I've done it on my car, but had a few guys ask how I did it, so here we go: First you need the ScanGaugeII, you can order it from the PriusChat Shop and even straight from scangauge.com. Now connect it to your car's ODBII Port and follow the instructions below: Start Car (So its in Ready) Press Red Button (on ScanGaugeII) Press More Press More Press the > to More Press Edit On 00, Press Edit Enter 07C03BAC40 for TXD Enter 047B15AC0000 for RXF Enter 2008 for RXD Enter 000100010000 for MTH Enter RBS for Name Press OK Press Save Press Exit Press the Red Button Choose Gauge Now Press any of the White Buttons until you see RBS It should say 00ACRBS now And your done, no Backup Beeping And use the same instructions for any other codes you may want to read, or modify. Hopefully that helps those who were a bit confused.
Keep waiting for it to go on sale. I'm on my tablet so I didn't look at the full code list yet, but am guessing you can also modify the seatbelt alarm and set driver door to unlock the entire car?
If you cannot afford scan guage, you can still do it yourself using much cheaper scanners. I used a Elmscan5 scanner and my laptop using the program written by JerryLaz on post #175 of below thread to disable the beeps on my 2012 Prius. Once loaded, program simply asks you if you want them on or off, and you click on what you want! That simple. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...m/62494-2010-help-disabling-reverse-beep.html
Its not an affordability test, just harder to justify a $150 tool that I really only want to use to turn off the beeps. I very much appreciate your post about the other tool, found for 25, which will accomplish the same thing! Thank you!
+1 for the Elmscan5 tool purchased from Amazon. Very simple to use with the download mentioned above.
Is all you want to do is disable the beeping noise inside the car when you put it in reverse? I just purchased a new Pruis 3 and asked them at the dealer to disable it for me. Took 5 minutes and no charge.
Dealers will certainly do it for you if you buy a brand new prius from them, if you buy a used gen 3 Prius, private party, you are SOL in most cases.
I bought my Prius from another Toyota dealer and they wanted to charge me $75 but my local one did it for no charge...go figure!