We moved up the short list to #1 when the person on the top of the list refused the #7 Driftwood. We did not refuse it. We originally said we wanted a Silver #9, but had already decided we would accept any color in a #7 or #9. I think we were what you might call "flexible." There is a "however" involved here. We have the papers that say Ship date ...04/30/04. Is that arrival date in US or the day it left Japan? The dollars all match what I figured they should be based on the Toyota Build it yourself site. (Boy is sales tax a bear! Don't forget to figure that into the total.) Here is the however; when I talked with the salesperson after I got the fax, she said that I could sign the PO and send it back with a check for the balance. Is that how you pay for a car these days??? Sight unseen? Don't you get to check it out first? What should be my response? I think I should say that we will bring the check with us. The dealer is 500 miles from where we live and I have never been in the dealership. We did give them $1000 as a down payment on the car and nothing we have in writing says anything about sending a check for the total. $25,000 seems like one heck of a deposit when the car isn't even at the dealership yet. She did say that they can't order the next car until they get this one off the books. I don't want to hold anyone up from getting their car and we will get there as soon as the car is ready for us. Sorry about all the raving here. I surely don't want to lose the car to the next person, but gol-l-l-l-ly!
IMHO - No way in he**! I'd tell them you'll be there when they tell you to be there, with a cashier's check in hand. It isn't like they couldn't sell it in 5 seconds if you didn't show. Obviously they are not planning to stick you with a bunch of port options or they would WANT you to come before you pay so they could jack the price up to include the unrequested items. "See the pretty car, you WANT the pretty car. Drove 500 miles for the pretty car. Only $800 more than you thought. Isn't it a pretty car" :-D Even though they seem to be respectable, I wouldn't fork over until the thing was within touching distance.
I agree, do not pay anymore than your deposit until you are at the dealership and satisfied with the car. I just went through this last week when I picked up my car from a dealer 500 miles from home. I had provided a $500 deposit and brought a cashiers check for the remaining amount. When at the dealer, I inspected the car and went for a test drive before completing any of the paper work. I was and you should be prepared to drive home without your car if anything is wrong with the car or the paper work. An honest dealer will gladly go through this process with you. T
My car was also purchased from a dealer about 500 miles away. I asked them about clearing their books to be able to get their next allocation since it would be a week or two before I could go to get the vehicle or have it shipped to me. I was told this was no problem since I had said I would take it and they had a deposit on hand. The way we executed the formal purchase was they overnighted the paper work to me, I reviewed, signed it, and sent it back. Part of this paper work was the financing contract, which appears to differ from your situation. However, I believe if you tell the dealer you agree to purchase the vehicle, they can clear their books and get their next allocation. All they need is a name and address and to show the sale in progress, as I understand it. I do know for a fact that you are under no obligation to pay for the vehicle until it arrives at the dealer. Even then, you should have at least 3 days, plus a 3 business day right of refusal after purchase. You have a warranty as well as other legal remedies if you are unsatisfied with the condition of the vehicle when you go to pick it up.
Thank you for your responses. It helps to know that I'm not off-base with my reaction. Knowing that the request was not the norm will help deal with it. Seeing the plan is to fly in to pick up the car, it brings up an interesting situation if something goes wrong with the deal. I can envision being stranded in the middle of Nevada.... sometimes I think that we already are, considering where we live. :? Thanks again for the recommendations.