7 - 9 years ago when hybrids were emerging on the roads, the drivers that paid the hefty premium for this new technology were more matured individuals that drove their vehicles for gas mileage and to conserve the environment. Things have obviously changed with some of these newer generation prius owners than pass us on the freeway at 75 -80 mph. I even seen some dart between cars on the freeway. Its then when you realize the Prius has made it into our mainstream society, whether this is good or bad. The cheaper Prius C will no doubt attract the younger folks.
I'm finding that I hate expressways because I want to maintain the highest possible MPGs. I consistently get better than the EPA rated 46 on the highway but I STILL WANT MORE. My drives around town are so far above the 53 EPA rating it has become laughable. Look at this one -- I was not even aware of it until I got home. I now expect, irrationally, to accomplish such magical mileage on the expressway. Lately I take back roads instead of the expressay so I can get over 60. I wonder if I should get a lift back for highway trips. You don't suppose this car is feeding my obsessive compulsive disorder! do you??
Arg! I must really be doing something wrong. Driving at 100km/h (62mph), avoiding the red "power" zone, and trying to coast whenever possible is getting me 5.5L/100km (42.8mpg). I get roughly the same economy both ways, so elevation doesn't seem to be a significant factor. I'm also getting not much better below 5L/100km in town.
Wind can be a big issue on the highway (found that out yesterday!!) but if your commutes around town are longer than say 10-12 miles and you are not getting better than 42 mpg maybe there is something wrong with your car.
Agreed. I normally get around 48-53MPG on highway driving. Yesterday there was a strong wind for my entire trip (1100 km) and I only managed about 41-42MPG at best. Wasn't driving any differently, speeds were the same. The car was in the upper range of the energy monitor (not power) for most the time to keep up to speed in the crazy wind.
Here's what I've noticed regarding freeway travel so far: *Being on open empty Interstate such that you're cutting through still air takes its toll on fuel economy. Simply travelling with traffic [not drafting] helps a bunch. *Having a cold engine and/or cold ambient temps will hurt fuel economy. The cold engine needs to warm up to be efficient. Cold air is generally more dense and that means more drag. Bearings and whatnot are always more resistive in colder temperatures, which increases friction. *Going faster kills MPG. The butter zone for the Prius c seems to be under 45 MPH, so going over 70 MPH is like a 125cc motorcycle revving its pants off trying to keep up with traffic while simultaneously being held back by a huge parachute. Not too efficient, that scenario. *Downhill = great MPG. Uphill = not so good MPG.
My commute is 80 miles one way. I know I know I should move closer to work. But that's not why I'm posting. My average speed is around 65-70 MPH and I'm getting about 50 MPG on average.