My best tank so far. The pump showed 8.719 gallons. This brings me to around 58.4 mpg when my MID showed 61.3 mpg. So that is about 3 mpg difference. I guess pumps have their own accuracy as well as my C. Anyway… It says that I’ve covered 48% or 242.1 miles on EV. Was just curious, in that case if to presume that I don’t have an electric motor and battery in my C, I would probably covered about 267.1 miles with the same amount of gas. Which means my “theoretical” mpg would be around 30.7 mpg which is = to Yaris.
Even though it's easier to figure out the difference in mpg (~3), you should really calculate the % difference. Which in your case is 4.96%. Because, as your mileage varies especially in the colder months, percentage is a better indicator. The normal percent difference is about 5%, so you are right there. I just looked at my last 10 fill-ups and mine was 5.3%.
Thanks! Never had a chance to look from % difference point of view. How did you figured out that 5% is normal? Did I miss some discussion in PC?
This is a used 2012 Prius C2 I just bought with only 20,000 mile on it. Today I had the first 140 mile's trip (40% HW and 60% of local). The recorded mpg on the board is 65.7 with average trip speed of 41 mph.