I'll be driving around base (like 1 miles trips) and the car won't go into ev mode! even if I stay under 25 mph! It comes on when it wants to or if I set the cruise control and I cruise for a few seconds... Is there a trick to get the car to use the battery? I mean the battery was 80% full but just running of the ICE...I'll let off the gas...I'll never make accelerate too fast..I pulse and glide...but nothing
The car has to warm up before it will go into EV mode, so it's unlikely to happen in a one mile trip. If the battery is full enough, it might work to press the EV button before the ICE comes on.
yeah some times that works....do you think a block heater will make ev mode work when i get in my car??
no, ice has to go thru warm up stages for pollution reasons. block heater might make it a quicker warm up tho. after you've driven for a few minutes, you should be able to hit ev and drive below 25 and with easy acceleration without ice until battery runs down a bit.
Ashley7 my C can go EV for 200-300 mts first hour in the morning (with 4 of the 8 battery bars), no ICE... unless either the following -I press the pedal forcing the ICE to start or -low SOC (2 bars) -I put the A/C to defog Have never tried with more bars to learn how far can it go Sent ?
This is just me, but I would let the car do what it's programmed to do upon start-up rather than try to "game" the system to force it into EV. It warms up for a reason and I sort of suspect that keeping the car reliable through a nice lifespan means letting systems do what they're designed to do. There are lots of other opportunities during the day to maximize fuel efficiency.
On a Liftback (I'll only guess that the 'c' might be the similar), a block heater or anything else that gets the engine coolant up to 68F should allow EV up to 9 mph, if you hit the EV button before the ICE starts. But frequently going a mile in this condition will likely be hard on the battery. The 10-25 mpg span may be out of the block heater's range.
Oh yeah, I forgot if you are only in EV because you pressed the button, and aren't letting the ICE warm up, you can't go over 9 mph.
+1 <10 MPH, pressed "EV mode" button prior to ICE starting, with a full-enough battery that EV mode button is allowed. IMO this situation is only relevant for moving the car from the driveway to the garage, as staying under 10 MPH is too slow for parking lots.
You know, the more I drive our C, the more I like that it has a "brain" of its own. It knows better than I do what it needs. For 2 mile trips, it wants gasoline so that is what it gets. Once it has had its morning cup of "gas", then it is ready for the day and both of us are very happy. Life is good. Dan
If I am not mistaken you have 12 seconds to hit EV button, presuming your battery charge is high; however, as Ashley have mentioned your speed limit will be less than 10 mph if the car is cold.
There is an ECT spoofer for the Gen II/III that will probably work on the C. You can read about it here. A Prius ECT Spoofer MCU Controlled | PriusChat I have one and I can get in full EV mode in 2 blocks or about 45-60 seconds.
I have the same "issue" when driving the 1/2 mile off my base. Get in, hit start, ICE runs for a couple of minutes and shuts off. No AC or defog, usually have HVAC off so it doesn't blow hot air. I start driving, and when I exceed about 10 mph, the ICE comes on and runs continuously @ 20 mph, showing a steady 25 MPG on the instant display with no throttle input and coasting down the small hill, only shutting off when stopped at the lone traffic light. Traction battery is about 60-70% charged. I think it is recharging the traction battery anyway. I run the 1/2 mile in EV mode in the morning coming on base. No such thing as a free lunch in physics they say. If I stab the EV button it will stay in EV as long as I stay <10mph.