its a scam. they only accept payment that cannot be reversed. no pay pal and providing a link to the Toyota what nerve
Nothing..ebay is worthless.. they stay neutral on everything so as to not offend anyone.... they are out for thier interest "as usual" not ours. Unless there is totally blantant abuse.... your on your own.... buyer beware!...
I bought a downloaded copy of the 2004 service manual off of Ebay ($30 I think) because Toyota doesn't allow Canadians to use their online service, which is based in the US. I have absolutely no guilt about it... I would've bought a subscription to the service (and downloaded it myself) if they had made that option available to me, but with no other choice for a searchable electronic version, I utilized my only option. Disclaimer: It wasn't this seller that I got mine from... Dave
Interesting, he's operating out of Taiwan, probably to avoid prosecution for copyright violations. Well, not completely true. If you register with them as the copyright holder, you can stop just about any auction, but even that can be abused. I'm having a problem right now where one of my chip competitors keeps having my auctions pulled for completely, 100% stock Mitsubishi ECU's! Fortunately, eBay FINALLY gave me the paperwork to file a counter notice, giving him 15 days to file an injunction against it being relisted, which he won't, of course, because he has no rights to a stock ECU. But, you're right. Ebay's position has always been "hey, you two guys go and fight it out in the courts, and just let us know who wins". It really sucks, because they force you to feed the lawyers over really stupid stuff, because they just don't want to become involved.
Has anyone else from Canada tried to register on TIS to download manuals recently?? I know that the system is set up to accept US addresses only, but last year, I decided to try it anyways- I registered with my real Canadian street address (including city and country, all typed in the address field) , but for city and state fields, I put down the closest US city and state, and with this, it accepted my VISA number and gave me access.. I bought the 1 day access, and what they actually give you is until 12 Midnight of the next day, so if you bought early in the morning, you actually get nearly 48 hours of access.. With a good broadband connection, you can easily download the entire content for your car, but there's a lot of back and forth clicking as they provide manuals by small sections vs. in their entireity.. I haven't tried doing it again as I was able to download everything I needed for my car, so they may have plugged this hole, but I was able to register for access on TIS with a Canadian credit card and a "simulated US address"..
I previously posted instructions on how to download the entire manual in ten minutes. You just need a full version of Adobe Acrobat. The trial version you can download for free works fine.