Ya do not wanna get me started on Toyota's short sightedness or the "where in the hell are all the cars going?" issues. I know what the projected allocations were for SoCal Feb thru May, and I also know what they ended up being -- and they fell far short of what was promised and projected, so where are all the cars going? They are not coming to dealerships who earned them. Not all of them. There are cars going places other than dealers. There have to be. Question is, why will Toyota as a Mother Company continue to let us dealerships take the frustration, the anger, and the grief from you buyers waiting for cars when our promises were based on THEIR projection of how many units to expect. Why won't they take some of the heat off us as dealers? That's my question. Dianne
You ask some excellent questions. I would be pretty frustrated as a dealer, too - heck, I am just trying to get one of these cars and am already pretty frustrated. I've already been lied to by a dealer in Oklahoma City. I was promised a car that I later found out never really existed (for that dealership), put a deposit down, was given a "deal sheet" and told it would be here by early May at the latest. We turned down a Prius at another dealership on the assurance that the one we wanted was coming in. Now we have no new car, a baby due in 4 weeks (and we NEED a new car - and only want a Prius), and ended up wasting 2 months when we could have been on a legit waiting list. Now I am number 5 on a list, which is great, but last month the dealer only got one Prius - so it could be a 5 month wait. Who knows? Where is Toyota sending all these cars? I do feel bad for all of the legit dealers who are trying to keep customers informed when they are not getting the whole story from Toyota - but I am also glad there are honest and legit Toyota salesfolk out there who are not just trying to screw over customers - so thanks for being one of them!
:crazyeyes: :argue: :cussing: :cussing: Well we know one place they are not going (Dealers for the long lists of people that want them! )! Can we say Government and Rental Fleets :!: Take a look below, this is not a Dealership (Rental Fleet or Government Fleet maybe? )! :computer: :wave:
Careful Mybrid.....Wouldn't want you to get flamed buy few in this group that think that after all they did put the order in way before you and that you must do your time in purgatory before setting your eyes on the the pearly colored heaven.
Interesting photo, Mybrid -- note that the breakdown of Prii by colors in the picture appears to follow the general production breakdown, i.e., mostly silver, with some blue and tideland models as well. As to companies and government buying Prii in bulk, my feelings are Good. As long as they are in line with the rest of us, no problems.
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: < Flaming :?: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: Here is another Pic to go with the first one. :computer: :wave: