Thanks! The 109mpg was better but I can't hold high numbers over the course of a full tank like ufourya and markabele can. My commute is simply too fast and too steep.
so looking at my best trips can someone explain top me why it changes when i got from trip a to trip b to odometer? best trip was 2.1l/100km which = 112.1mpg
The Past Record screens display the three best FE scores for whichever screen is shown. The ODO screen will reset the top line each time you turn off/restart the car. The ODO screen above indicates you have started the car but have yet to move - hence the " /56" (It won't rank it until you drive .) The A and B trip meters change/record when you manually reset the meter. Your B meter above shows that it has recorded 14 resets and your current score (the 3.7 l one) would replace the #3 score if you reset it now.
got ya! thanks so, im using trip A to monitor my tan mgp resetting it when i fill up so that ' should' show me my best tanks if i went to trip a in that screen
New Prius C owner here as of Monday. Been getting about 55 MPGs during most of my commutes. Today I got my first standout segment. The trip consisted of about 10 miles of 2 lane highway and 10 miles of city.
Most of the drive was 65 MPH for like 15's windy as hell here and my car was a struggle to keep straight..I'm getting better..I got 60 MPG yesterday coming home from work and 55 the day before...I don't understand. lol
just a guess, but maybe your better fuel economy is due too slower driving, as 65mph for 15 min. is about 16 miles, which you didnt drive, so perhaps you were driving more in the 55mph range and didnt realize it. Also, break in period is likely a factor.