While I welcome mounting solution pictures from all prius owners with any type of radar detector, I am epecially interested in those that have the Valentine #1 detector as it is designed to recieve signals from 360 Degrees and therefore represents the most challenging installation (and its what I have). I like the Blend Mout because it gives the best positon for recieving signals from 360 degrees but, its also highly visible to the rear of the car which would require packing and unpacking it (hassle) when traveling through states that don't permit radar detectors. Obviously, the "best" place to mount a radar detector is wherever the cops are trained to focus their radar lazer on your car. If anyone knows where that location on the car is, please reveal it. I have noticed that one of the best locations for me to be able to simultaneously read my speed and see the radar detector indicator lights is to the far right of the "cave" that houses the speedometer (in front of the car warning indicator lights). However, this location would require that a remote reciever be installed to capture frontside signals and,a small hole be put in the dash for the communication wire that would go from the reiciever to the indicator lights. That seems to be one of the best locations although its probably the most complicated,expensive(gotta buy a reciever and install it) and, I'm not thrilled about putting a hole in th dash for the com wire. So,with all that in mind, I would like to see pictures/descriptions of what kind of mouting solutions others have come up with epecially for the valentine #1 as it must recieve signals from 360 degrees. I would especially be interested in "stealth"mouting solutions that wouldn't require packing and unpacking the radar detector when transiting through states that don't allow them. So my questions are as follows: 1. Where on the car are cops trained to focus their radar lazer beams? 2.Show us/tell us where/how you have mounted your radar detector in your Prius? 3.Show us your stealth mounting solution for transiting through states that do not permit radar detectors. And my disclaimer for those who would flame me and try to hijack this thread with a debate about the horrors of speeding is as follows: I don't speed;However, whenever someone is checking my speed, I would like to do like wise in case their equipment is miscalibrated. And although I do not intend to USE the radar detector in states where they are illegal, I find it a hassle to have to dismount and remount everytime I cross a state line so I am trying to avoid that hassle.
Im using this one off E Bay for my passport. Its well made and mounts to the rear view mirror stem ESCORT PASSPORT 9500iX 8500 X50 REDLINE RADAR DETECTOR MIRROR BRACKET ULTIMOUNT 737795085034 | eBay They make this version for the valentine VALENTINE ONE V1 RADAR LASER DETECTOR BRACKET MIRROR MOUNT ULTIMOUNT 978465378494 | eBay To try to answer some of your questions 1. I dont think it matters exactly where they aim. I train dogs with many LEO and we sometimes use the radar gun for fun to measure the speed of a dog. It seems to work regardless of where it is pointed as long as it hits the pbject. 2. Mounted my detector under the rear view mirror 3. Have never been in a state that they are not allowed to my knowledge.
I use a Bel component system... Custom mounted between the cupholders.....Stealth! The Laser sensor is the dot above the A in California, and the RF detector is in the upper grill! Stealth!!!
Thank you very much as this is the kind of stealth mounting solution that I'm really interested in seeing as it deters theives, nosey cops in states where they are forbidden, and keeps those people that like to follow people with radar detectors from figuring out you have one.
whoa, how did you get your prius to go fast enough to warrant a radar? any faster than the limit and my MPG sucks
I too am debating on where or if I should put my V1 in my Pri. It's currently sitting in it's box collecting dust on the bookcase. I use it more of a warning to check my speed when it goes off than intentionally speeding and looking for 5-0.
I cut up a Prius driver side visor I bought on E-bay for $29.00. I also did not want to remove the detector every time I get out of the car. So it's hard wired for power and it can be removed from the visor when needed. The only problem is I loose rear detection. No biggy, I don't speed. I only want to be alerted to the hidden cars on the side of the road or in woods if I happen to be coasting down a hill a bit fast.
A radar detector in a Prius does seem kind of like an oxymoron but I'd like to see some pictures if you have them. I have one in my other car, hard wired and hard mounted right under the mirror, I'd love to do something like that for my Prius C. I don't think I can go as stealth as KK6PD though