Has anybody Jumpered out the switch on your driver side seat belt That way it doesn't chime when you don't have it latched? Friend of mine did this with his 2010 Toyota truck so it seems doable but I just wondered if anybody had tried it with their Prius yet
The only chime I find annoying is the one for reverse as it seems to perform no useful function except to annoy. The seat belt chime lets you know if you or your passenger has not buckled up "an offence in UK/EU".
Yeah I find reverse alarm very annoying as well that's number one my seatbelt alarm number two Yes still a ticketable offense for Texas not to have one also But it's not an offense to remove the offensive chime
Do you guys realize that it actually explains how to disable the reverse beep in the owner's manual? Too lazy to go look it up, so I Googled it... here you go: How to Disable Reverse Beep in a Toyota Prius: 11 steps - wikiHow Enjoy the blissful silence. EDIT: I just re-read the instructions and realize that it says this only works on North American cars, so BritPrius may be out of luck. I'd give it a try anyway in case whoever wrote this is wrong...?
I was able to use these steps to turn off the reverse beep, was very annoying. If it could actually be heard outside the vehicle I could see it's usefulness. As it was, I think Toyota was just trying to see how much beeping I could take before smashing stuff to stop it. You saved my dash Sarge, appreciate ya!
Yeah me as well as works very easy - but would have never figured it out by myself but it has stopped !!