Thanks to someone on Tivocommunity for this. Yes, search many federal employee salaries for 2008-2011, for specific people: Federal Employees Search Someone else asked:
To the OP: What's your point? Are you saying federal salaries are too high; if so, this thread should be moved to the "politics" section of this forum.
I am a federal employee and my pay is no secret, it is the public's right to know what I get paid. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Why does this feel like an invasion of my privacy? I could understand posting the position and salary but the name too??? Wth
I searched myself and got no results? The DoD was not listed either. What is a TiVo? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Redirecting you is a very old page on TiVo. TiVo Premiere: much more than a DVR - TiVo is the company's web page. TiVolution rocks! I've been a happy TiVo user since 2001.
It was just an FYI. I figured that some folks here might find the URL and any results interesting. I didn't intend to start a political discussion since I don't like discussing such things anyway as I'm not political. FWIW, on Tivocommunity, it was posted in the "Happy Hour - General Chit-Chat" area and still remains there. Political discussion is prohibited on TC except in paid members area (and I haven't paid).