Hello everyone and thank you for encouraging me to purchase the Prius C. Here it is, my blue streak Prius C Two.
Congratulations! The blue streak is so beautiful (great photos you have there). I'm a first time hybrid owner too (less than a month) - it's such a FUN car and it's really a nice feeling having a car that is both fun and good for the environment (Fall is a great time too for taking it out for some drives and getting familiar with it!)
Thanks everyone. I've made only 30miles so far so I can't really comment that much, but my first impression is a waaaay better than of those guys from CR.
This is my first hybrid as well. My first car with bells and whistles, for that matter. I also have PC2 Blue Streak.
my first car with all the bells and whistles on it too. She did a great job on the way home from the dealership handling bumper to bumper traffic at the 65 mph speed limit. Had to hit the brakes kinda hard a couple times because of the maniacs out there cutting right in front of you. Thankfully I don't travel on that road very often. Am totally whipped now after spending 4 hours at the dealership today.
Congratulations to new Prius C owners !!!! Tomorrow I will give her fresh coat of wax and will snap a few pix.
Great color, welcome to the family. The C is our first hybrid as well. We have had it just over 3 weeks and have put 1400 fun miles on it. Enjoy discovering new things and read those manuals (there are lots of silly warnings but good info as well).