2012 prius v, owned less than 1 year, today when wife is shopping about 2 hours from home, her key does not work any more. When you push the power button, key sign displayed on the dash board. Remote lock and unlock bottom does not work, but panic button still works fine. I drove 2 hours with my key, car start fine. I called dealer, they said battery is dead in the smart key. Anyone else have the same problem? Any suggestion on where to buy the battery cheap, I was thinking about getting 5 of them just in case. Can the car be started and driven without the smart key battery, I know the door can be opend with physical key (inside the smart key) Thanks,
Here is a fairly recent thread which includes posts about the batteries and a variety of other related issues: Key Fob Battery Lasted 3 Years!
OP, it'd help to list state or metropolitan area you're in. FRYS.com should have them fairly cheap, if they're near you. If not, try Walmart. Do not go to Radio Shack. Their coin cell battery prices usually suck. Some folks have pointed me to Electronic Components Distributor | DigiKey Corp. | US Home Page, but you need to factor in the shipping. I'm not sure what yours takes. It might be a 1632 battery. (On Gen 2 Priuses it was a CR2032, but I believe it changed starting w/Gen 3 liftback.)
It is a 1632 battery. Radio Shack prices are a bit steep for these batteries, but that is because they aren't at typical chain stores. Target didn't have any. I bypassed WalMart, thinking they wouldn't have them if Target didn't (and, I knew Radio Shack carried them). It isn't always worthwhile to spend 30 minutes driving and looking to save $2.00. There was a post in the Key Fob Battery Lasted 3 Years! thread where someone listed an on-line source at a great price.
I paid $2.5 for two batteries (SH included) from Ebay about 3 years ago. Since my purchase the price seems to have gone done to $1 for five batteries, SH included. For me just the cost of fuel in my Prius to drive to BB would cost a dollar, not to mention my time. Does anybody really wonder why BestBuy is heading to BK ?
Problem is the CR2032s probably aren't right for any of the currently sold Prius family members. OP has a Prius v wagon. I kinda wonder if those batteries are genuine Sony batteries and not counterfeits, given the item location is supposedly Shen Zhen, China.
Fair thought, given how much crap comes out of China. However, the generics I bought also came from China, and they are going strong some 3 years later. I imagine that cheap electronics is much more of a gamble than cheap batteries.
It is a 1632 battery. See my post above and the link to the other thread for a discussion of where you can pick up the 1632 battery.
Yeah, I was lazy with my linking. I found a buyItNow link for $1.4 but linked to the auction bid. I think it fair to say the prices will end up similar, and SH is free. By the way, HOW do vendors in Asia ship free an item that is so inexpensive ?
If that is the case, more power to them. The no-name batteries I bought from Asia are going strong after 3+ years.
Haha I work for best buy and its a shitshow. I work in customer service and I know more about the products we sell than most of our "salespeople." Looking for a new job so I cut my hours down to like 12 a week but you can't beat the employee discount. Nexus 7 ? 2