Dear all- I have been thinking about the shark fin for my PC4, Summer Rain. Thanks to other threads, I have no concerns about fit , function or installation...but... How do you all feel about using a black shark fin instead of color-matched? I have the black rubber bumper protection, and would eventually like black mud flaps and a black nose mask (but these don't seem to be available at the moment.) Has anyone else considered black fin on color car? I was thinking it would look sort of orca-like... Thanks for your thoughts!
At first I was planning to put a silver mica shark's fin on my nautical blue but didn't push through in it. I don't think there is anything wrong in putting in a black fin. Whatever makes you happy, go with it!
The stock antenna is black. If I put on a shark antenna, I would use black. (or possibly flat black i.e. plasti-dip). Go for it.
Well, I paid something like $85 for a painted shark fin and the sucker had a paint chip on it. I'm certain the chip was from painted over debris. Going through the vortex of "communications" with the vendor trying to get a refund right now. As soon as the BS is settled, I'll settle for a plain black plastic shark fin - hate to see chip if/when a moth flies into another painted one.
I spent the few xtra bucks and went with matching the silver metallic. It's a perfect match. I did not want the shark fin to look like an after thought and wanted it to blend with the car's factory asked. On the other hand if this is what YOU like go for it. You are the one who needs to be happy. Fins to the left and fins to the right!! sorry, a little Jimmy Buffett came to mind. An install tip given to me before I installed my shark fin by Danny here on Prius chat....was to use blue painters tape to mask off the area of the final install of the fin. So place the fin on the roof get it perfectly straight and then after you connect the wire to the antenna base just use the blue painters tape to pattern around the base of the fin exactly where you want it to be on the roof. This will allow you to place the fin exactly where you want it (straight) on the top of the roof when you pull the protective material off the base of the Fin and ready it for final install. Use rubbing alcohol to clean the painted surface where the fin will stick on the roof around the base of the antenna. Once you are sure you have the blue painters tape pattern straight, remove the thin protective tape from the base of the fin, this will reveal the 3m sticky adhesive tape. Very carefully line it up with the antenna base and again making sure you connected the wire (I added a little locktite to the screw so that it won't come loose) you probably don't have to, my OCD kicked in and I did. Once you have set it in place push down firmly and hold it down for a about 30 seconds. Done! Hope this helps!
Thank you ALL very much for your opinions- I really was just curious to know what people think and will of course be happily the ultimate decider! Whatever I decide, I really appreciate the tips for installation, and I will post pics. Cheers!
Chinchilla, I agree with dellrio, it's YOUR car, you do what pleases you, not what pleases the crowd. Personally, I am not a fan of the shark fin, but given that the "normal" antenna is not the same color as the car, I don't think it would detract from the beauty at all if you got a contrasting colored fin.