For a long time I have wanted a Prius, but I wanted the Li battery option. I assumed that the mileage would be better. Since the PIP has come out , I dont see any advantage to having the Li battery option if you can not charge from the Grid. I, unfortunately, live in a condo in Florida, and do not have a nice garage to pull in and charge. So Is there a benefit to having a PIP even if you do not have the ability to charge at home?
No. It wouldnt be worth the money. If you lived in an area with a lot of hills you could store more power during regen but Florida is flat. And even so, I wouldnt say it would be worth it even with the hills. It sucks but it doesnt sound like your in a position to make it worth it. But hey, you could always sell the condo and move. haha
Some states allow HOV lane use. Some owners can recharge going down long hills. I do not see either being a 'plus' for you in FL. If you 'snowbird' from PA to FL, so that the car is unused part of the year, no EV will be a wise choice.
The mileage difference from NiMH to Li would be barely noticeable. The NiMH are well designed by Toyota to perform well in the Prius.
You may want to revisit this recent thread below which had some Toyota responses to battery questions. They say Lithium is good for deep discharge (EV mode) whereas NiMH is great for hybrids without plug-in. TOYOTA CANADA : Hybrids > Hybrid Myths and Misconceptions Read more:
I get 60 to 70 mpg for quite a while after the ev miles are depleted. With about 50% of my miles as ev, my average mpg is 115 to 120 mpg. So it depends on your normal driving and how much can be plug in, even if you are not generating your own power it may be practical. Also, the regen braking is much better with li-on battery, which the mpg is better for almost all local driving. For long trips and mostly highway the regular prius is as good or better. At 62 mph or less highway for first 12 miles you are still saving with plug in.