So I've recently been in a really bad accident (got hit by a drunk driver) and my beloved 2004 Camry was totaled. Since I have to buy another car I'm looking at 2005/2006 Prius. I talked to few of my friends on which car to buy and when I told them I'm considering Prius they rolled their eyes and said "You wanna be dead next time you are in an accident?" The reasoning behind this was: My Camry had a reasonable amount of steel cushion in front of the wheel whereas Prius doesn't have that big of a Cushion. So if another drunk driver hits me again (God forbid) I won't be as protective as I was in my Camry. They suggested I buy another Camry or an Accord. How true is their argument? Should I be concerned about the safety at all? I mean they do have a valid point. Camry does seem to have more cushion in the front than the Prius. Sorry I meant 2004 Camry.
Google is your friend: 2004 Toyota Camry Crash-Test Ratings 2005 Toyota Prius Crash-Test Ratings Looks like the eye-rollers are off-base.