This is my wakeboard (cable park) set-up in the back of my C. It basically takes up the entire space with the rear seats folded down. I can take one other person but obviously no room for anyone else. Towing isn't the C's strength but it managed. It definitely didn't like pulling the boat out of the water or getting it back in this storage unit.
"Towing isn't the C's strength but it managed. It definitely didn't like pulling the boat out of the water or getting it back in this storage unit." Ok, I'll ask: why did you decide to buy the c when you were planning to tow something and Toyota specifically says the car is not suitable for towing? Haven't you just voided your warranty on the drivetrain posting something like that on a public site? (assuming they found out)?
Does the boat and trailer weigh more than the car? Show the two connected or it did not happen. How do we know that you did not use an appropriate tow vehicle and the just park your c in front? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
It was an attempt at a joke. The Prius would not move that boat. The boat/trailer weight approx. 5,000 lbs. My Tacoma struggles on the highway going up hills. If I tow more than a few miles (I live 2 miles from the lake) I get an F250 to tow it. I wouldn't dream of towing with the Prius!! I do need to investigate a hitch-mount bike carrier or something since I am burning about as much gas driving to and from the mountain bike trails in my Tacoma as I do in my Prius in 10 days driving in Dallas traffic.