Per the following links, Wisconsin was scheduled for hearings in November but is now rescheduled for December 20, 2005 on Sales Tax exemption legislation for purchases of Hybrid vehicles which get at least 40 MPG combined. See the following two links: November info December info If anything comes of this I will post updates here. If anyone else has info please share too. Let's cross our fingers.
The hearing took place in December. Now we have to wait for it to actually go to a vote. Which may or may not ever happen. The soonest a vote could occur is late January at the earliest. More than likely it wil be put off, though. We plan on talking more about the Tax exemption at the next Madison Hybrid Group meeting on January 28th. Stop by if you live in the Madison area.
Oh I guess it's a wait and see thing now. Darn, I was hoping they were going to pass it through in December. What about letting WI people drive all electric cars? I want to buy an all electric car but can't in WI right now. I have a moped I drive but I would rather drive an all electric car. Tracy
You can legally drive an electric car in Wisconsin. I think you mean low speed Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, like the GEM. (ie electric vehicles that go less than 25 mph) Currently in Wisconsin you can buy one, but you cannot drive it on public roads. Silly, eh? There is discussion about the possibility of changing this, but it is no where near getting a vote.
Ok, so how come I can drive my moped on the streets? I can't get my moped to go past 29. So what would be the difference of me driving a moped or a car? No it doesn't make sense at all. (I wish I had some power to change that) I found a nice GEM car I want to buy I'm trying to locate an all electric car that I can drive in WI. Do you know if there are some out there? I appreciate you reponding to my questions! Makes me want to leave WI though <_< Tracy
Thanks for the update. I hadn't heard anything. By the way, I have tried to sign up for the MHG in Madison the same time I posted this thread. Have been waiting for access ever since. Any idea how often the admin checks for new members to the site? I would love to attend the meeting and will eventually, but I think I will be nursing a knee which will have surgery about that time. But ya never know. Thanks again for the info.
I have seen some EVs for sale on ebay. In the last few months there was a Solectria Force for sale but it was not near Wisconsin. There's a guy in Madison who drives around a Tango (1 seater EV). I did a google search "ev for sale" and came up with a few sites. There's a couple in Port Washington, WI that have detailed about their electric car and truck. Tom Hudson's Electric Vehicle Page It's a fun site to read. Also gives you an idea about the level of knowledge you may need to own/maintain one. Good luck.
Well how does that happen? Both Madison and Chi town have their meetings on the same day. <pout> Thanks for emailing the administrator about access. I hope to make one of your meetings eventually. Cheers
Looks like the Chicago Group chose Saturday as well this time. I'm sure it will be a good time as well. I look forward to hearing how things go.
i'm curious how this will work. will earlier buyers just get screwed like we did on the 06 tax credit or will we be able to claim this? if we have to file it on our tax return we'll lose out anyway since we're out of state and pay twice as much taxes here, and out-of-state taxes paid only drop your WI tax liability to zero... we'll never get a refund until we're back in state full time... but if i could get my $1000 back that i paid in for the state tax when i registered the car, which seems to be the incentive, i'd be thrilled about that. unlikely though. not holding much hope out for that one.
Hi - My husband and I purchased a HCH on 01/02/06 so I contacted Rep. Parisi who co-sponsored the bill to find out what the status of this legislation is and this is what he said: "Thanks for your email regarding the hybrid vehicle sales tax exemption. The bill did receive a public hearing in the Energy Committee recently. I am attempting to garner support for this bill, however, it is still a long shot that it would pass the Legislature with the little time left in the session. Also, since you have already purchased your car, the bill would not retroactively cover the sales tax you have already paid. Thank you again for your interest in the bill. Sincerely, JOE PARISI State Representative 48th Assembly District" So if you already purchased the car, you are out of luck. Hope this helps! Joann PS - I'm holding out hope I will be able to get the credit if I buy the Magnetic Gray Prius I'm dreaming of
That's weird. I talked to my tax advisor about this and she said it would be retroactive as long as it passed in the same year I purchased the car.