You guys are funny. So many suggestions. I could drive 10 mph all the way to work and get there with Battery to spare. How many Fingers would I get !!! However, I plan to "Just Drive the Car" and "Enjoy the Ride". I was looking for an answer from someone that already faced the situation and determined the best mode to drive. I know how to determine the answer. I wondered if someone already did. I documented A. today.
Notice something missing from every response? MPG I couldn't care less that the engine runs on my commute. Cruising at 70 mph, you're still getting over 100 MPG. What's wrong with that? On short trips, the engine warms up very fast and the MPG is well above 50. You're certainly not going to see results like that from a hybrid without a plug.
I messed up testing one of the 3 scenarios and will be out of town until the 27th. I'll finish the testing then.
Define very fast. I do a lot of short trips and my MPG suffers, so I'm looking forward to my PHV. The Gen II takes a bit to warm up, especially in winter.
Less than 2 minutes. At that point, you'll see the 1-minute MPG segments on the consumption screen at 100. Heat for winter cabin heating will take longer. But the circumstances for that are much more complicated, meaning results will vary quite a bit. We'll have to patiently wait until patterns emerge.