Bummer that this is the first thing I'm posting on Prius chat. C'est la vie, I guess ... Last friday I was broadsided by a deer and lost the driver's side door and front fender of my new red Prius c. First ever deer incident in my life and, wow ... those suckers can do some serious damage. The driver's side fender was pushed in on the wheel, rendering the car un-driveable. Had it towed to the shop my insurance recommended that would use certified Toyota parts. Here's the issue. They are now saying it will be an "indefinite" period of time until they can get these parts in, due to massive backorders. They have exhausted every avenue they have to get the parts. I believe them, as I've read other threads on here that people are experiencing similar issues. I don't have rental car coverage on my insurance, an idiot oversight on my part of course, but even if I did have it ... it only covers to a certain amount. Like $400 for each claim. That's a week or two, not "indefinitely." So I've been borrowing a family member's car, which works for this week but not much more. The repair shop suggested I call the dealer I bought the car from to see if Toyota will help, since it is a Toyota supply issue that is causing the huge delay. I thought ... hey, since Toyotacare covers a rental in the case of maintenance, they will help me out while I wait an extra week or two (or, let's be real, maybe more) for these back-back-back-ordered parts to come in. I know so many people who have had excellent experiences dealing with Toyota, so surely this will go fine. Guess what my dealer told me? "In order to help you out, we would be willing to let you trade in your car (which is less than a month old) for another Prius c, and I'm sure we could lengthen the duration of your loan in order to keep your payments close to where they are now." In other words: "We're willing to let you just let you eat the amount that your car depreciated when you drove it off the lot, and then sell your car at a huge profit as soon as the parts come in." I am so livid. I didn't expect a hand out, but I don't think this is a hand out situation. I'm super glad for Toyota for selling so many Prius cs that they have things on back-order ... but you have to sell parts to back up your cars. Cars break, and wrecks happen. Tomorrow I make my first payment on the car I bought to drive to my new job (1 hour 30 minute commute) and I can't even drive the damn thing. This is how Toyota handles their supply chain issues? By saying, basically, thanks for spending $20k with us, but now ... tough shit? I filed a complaint with Toyota (not the dealership, Toyota themselves) today. I'll report back what happens. I love my Prius c, and I have loved being a Toyota owner thus far ... but man.
Your problem highlights the risk of buying a "new" vehicle. Toyota has chosen to funnel all available parts to build cars rather than make sure that there are adequate service parts available to customers that have already bought Prius C vehicles. In your situation, I can only suggest that you bargain for the best deal with the dealer on another Prius C. Then determine the depreciation hit. Next, decide if any other alternatives are cheaper than that alternative.
You might want to try negotiating with the insurance company for the "real" repair cost. One place to start is finding out if there is any time period they are required to fix the car in. I would also call Toyota back and try the following. I am normally very successful at getting what I want from customer service. The tactic I use is to be obviously frustrated but especially polite to the customer service agent. The first person you talk to is probably just a gate keeper to the people who can really help you. In many cases if they are refusing to help you, it is because they don't have the authority. In these cases you can often get elevated to somebody above them who has the real power to help you. It is really important so it is worth repeating that you should be unbelievably polite yet obviously frustrated. Show concern for how the customer service agents day is going is a good start. Good ways to demonstrate your frustration are through tone of voice, begging, crying etc. Basically be a sympathetic character. Demonstrating anger is not a good way to get what you want. You want to be the person that the agent feels bad about if they can't help. Finally, if you don't make progress with the first person, hangup and call again.
Something you can do as well is to tell them about how you are part of Prius Chat and that your posting about it. Most the time they will see that screwing you over will be public and they don't want that. Good luck and keep us posted
Made me check my rental coverage. $50 a day for 30 days. The max GEICO offers. In this situation, with no parts availability, it would only buy 30 days. Never thought about parts issues buying a new model car before but this shows there is a risk. I think Toyota owes you a rental if they don't have the parts. That seems an implied part of buying any car. I'd contact state consumer protection and see if they might weigh in.
My door was back ordered too..took them 16days to get the door and finish it to their standards just not to mine... So now it will probably be another 5-6 days to redo the paint. The insurance covered 30 days I believe
Thank you all for your input ... I will definitely be reporting back on what happens, both RE: my dealer and Toyota themselves. My strategy has indeed been to be uber polite, but audibly upset that I am making a payment this month, and paying an insurance deductible, on a car that I haven't been able to drive to work for over a week and may not get to drive for the next month plus because of a Toyota supply issue. Supposedly I will be getting a return call from both today ...
If the door still works, or can be tweaked to work reliably, maybe that fender can be bent away from the tire, so you can drive your C again.?. I've seen a lot of cars with pulled-out crushed fenders on the road. (With duct tape holding any lose parts). Drivers in this area are fender-bender prone. It might look horrible, but if it's safe, I would go for it.
Nope, the door was smooshed in to the point that the windows don't work and the door cannot be opened. It was an angry deer.
I have come across several wrecked Prius C's on ebay already being parted out. There are not many and I have not looked recently but that may be a good place to check, you may be able to find a good price on a replacement part there - then have a body shop paint and install it for you. Sorry about your deer incident - I had something similar happen to a friend of mine several years ago with her brand new car, basically had the same thing happen to her, it was when the Yaris sedan was first released. Toyota told her they would buy it from her (at a huge loss) and sell her a new one - needless to say, we choose not to do that.
I've got a couple of ideas: 1. In my dealership career (I worked about 10 years in dealerships, mostly in management, mostly for Ford and Toyota dealers) we would occassionally take a brand-new car out of service to scavenge the parts we needed to fix a sold vehicle. While most dealers are reluctant to take body parts off a new car (you can understand why I'm sure), this is a potential solution to your problem. I would suggest throwing it out there. 2. Have you checked other dealers who sell parts online? TRDSparks.com, Parts.OlatheToyota.com, etc. ? These online retailers do a booming business and can sometimes get parts faster than your local dealer, especially if these parts are for a repair. 3. All Toyota dealers have program cars that are new cars which are taken out of service to be used as demos, designated test-drive cars, etc. Toyota pays for these cars so they're effectively 'free' to the dealer, and these cars must accumulate mileage as part of the program. SO, the dealer might have a car you can borrow for free until the parts come in. 4. I would encourage you to revisit the trade-in option, but only if you get exactly the same terms (plus or minus a few hundred dollars, anyways). Here's why: The Prius C market is *hot* right now - they're flying off the shelves. A used one is going to sell for almost as much as a new one If you don't trade it in, you might have to spend a few hundred dollars on a rental If you trade it in, you get to drive a car that hasn't been damaged If the dealer trades your car in, the math changes a lot for them too. They don't have to worry about an upset customer ruining their reputation, they don't have to pay for a rental or give you a free car, they don't have to pull parts off a new car, etc. The dealer has enough profit in a new Prius C to cover most of any loss you might take on trade Frankly, this option makes a ton of sense. The problem is that the dealer thinks they can get more money out of you...the solution is to a) keep being polite while b) keeping the pressure as high as possible. If I were you, I'd bang out a letter and send it certified mail to the dealership ASAP. That will get you results.
Sounds like your car is at some "authorized" insurance suggested repair shop. Would Toyota cover an extended loaner if the car was in their possession for repairs? If so, then just have the car towed there. But I would also explore the trade in idea in depth if it were me. It all depends how much extra you'd have to pay, right?
I am also thinking that you might get your car repaired faster at the dealer. In CA, insurance companies are required to pay for your car to be repaired wherever. There is of course some negotiation that they have to do with the shop if the shop says it is going to cost more than the insurance company thinks it should. Typically this has not been a problem for me (gone through 3 repairs this way). Sometimes a third party shop will even discount you the value of the deductible (though a dealer probably won't). If you take it to a dealer that does body repair, they might see $$$ from the insurance company and be more inclined to do what it takes to get the car fixed. (like borrowing a door from a new car or whatever). Maybe just ask a dealer if they are willing to do what it takes to get the car repaired ASAP if you take it to them.
I actually called the dealer right after the accident asked them to whom they'd prefer I have the vehicle towed. They told me to go with whatever my insurance wants, so long as that shop will use Toyota-certified parts. I'm not sure, but I am guessing my dealer's service department is set up to handle warranty/repair stuff ... but not this kind of repair. Toyota has offered to reimburse me for a rental until the new parts come in, which is a serious relief. My dealer never did get back to me with a trade-in offer.
Well that's good. At lest you will be able to have a rental. The whole thing thing is still pretty crappy.
I'm thankful that Toyota at least was willing to help me out with the rental. Really, that's all I wanted ... and that was what I was looking for help with when I called my dealer, and they suggested the trade-in. It's a fairly small dealer so I think their options (re: borrowing parts from another Prius c, which they currently don't have in stock) are limited. I talked to my salesman today, and he said that they couldn't do anything on a trade that wouldn't result in me eating $2000, plus my deductible, which would clearly not be in my best interest. Anyway, once the door and fender are replaced, the car will be the exact same as it was before the accident ... and I love my little red car. The thing that really upset me the most about this, besides the prospect of being without a way to get to work, was to be offered the opportunity to trade the car at a loss when what I was calling my dealership about was some advice or advocacy on their part RE: getting Toyota's help on this. In the end I doubt they were being predatory, but I did let them know that the need to be carful about how that suggestion sounds to a person in my situation.
So glad that it worked out for you. Keep us posted on your ongoing adventure of waiting for the parts & repairs.
Excellent advice Tundrahq. The only other thing I would suggest is get your insurance company working for you. This is what you and we pay them all year long for. Best of luck ms.sassafras! Keep us posted and hey the main thing is you are ok and unhurt, hang in there!
I just got told that my parts are on backorder. I need a rear body panel, drivers side Quarter Panel and all the wheel housing and vents... $9373.70 in Damage. I think my Insurance should just Total it.