Just wanted to say a big thanks to all those that have posted the part numbers required for fitting cruise control, and I was so surprised that after 20 minutes work I got it installed and working perfectly. So chuffed, on my UK T3 model, it cost me a grand total of £85 in parts and took literally 20 minutes to complete, if you are tempted or have thought about doing it before, then I suggest you do, it is easy and worth it. Driving distances now is so much more pleasurable. Brad
Congratulations Brad your not far off T4 territory now. There's a complete JBL multi cd MFD and sat nav 2008 on Ebay £300 to complete the job.
lol, no thanks, have a garmin zumo that cost me a fortune, has lifetime map updates and speed cameras, and works a treat. Did also retrofit a Parrot Bluetooth kit to the stereo, and that works fantastic. Very very happy with the car now, next and final mod will either be a reverse camera or reverse sensors, not sure what I fancy doing yet. Have retrofitted many things to cars over the years, my old 528 BMW, I retrofitted BMW bluetooth, Sat Nav, reverse camera, all sorts. When I finished, and was completely happy I wrote the car off the following day on mud, ended up in a 20 foot drop ditch. loved that car.... loving the prius more though, great having a tank of fuel last a distance and £10 a year road tax.
Yes I always had BMW's the last one I had was a 635, lovely car but totally impractical and cost a fortune to run, just the opposite of the Prius the saving on road tax buys me six months worth of petrol. One of the things I am looking at in the way of mod's is heated door mirrors. Have not checked yet but i'm hoping the wires are already there. Just intend Arrelditing 10watt resisters to the back of the mirror glass. Seems crazy we do not get heated mirrors but they get them in Florida.
WTH??? Why would Florida need heated mirrors for???? That would be like selling air conditioners for use in Vostok, Antarctica!
Yeah, I thought it was crazy that US and Jap model get heated mirrors, but here in the UK we dont, very very strange, and winter is on its way, better get the de-icer stocked up... lol. That may be a mod I might look in to. If the wiring it there, then its simple, if not, could be fun.
well done ive got a uk spec 2008 prius t3, i am finally getting around to gettin all the right parts. if i get stuck fitting it maybe i can ask for your advice? Dave