How were you burning 4 gallons over 45 miles before the volt? In my C that is less than a gallon (I seem to be getting about 55 mpg so far). BTW by my math and my electrical bill, electricity for the Volt was going to cost slightly more than half as much as gas for the Prius C. I forgot the specifics but the Volt was going to cost something like $600/month for 60 months vs $388 for the Prius C 4. I drive around 1250 miles a month or about 22.7 Gallons ~ $90/month in gas vs $45 for electricity. So basically an extra $170/month for the Volt. I can do a lot with $170/month. If the car works for you and you got the spare change than more power to you. Just spend your pity elsewhere .
lx450, now retired to ranch chores. my 2012 volt lease is $350/month for 1250 miles per month (no cash upfront). if I charge at home it would be about $1.30 per full charge ... but my utility offers a EV charging subscription, $25/6 months of unlimited charging. I am doing about 83% of my overall driving on EV, mainly because my 21 old son was driving the volt over the summer, since he left to go back to school I am doing about 95%+ ev. I think I am sitting at about 5500 miles and about 29 gallons. So lets see ... $350 + $4 (charging) + $30 (gasoline) = $384 ... I win , granted I don't have a 5 year old car after 60 months. I have to pick out a new one after three years but I am expecting some more improvements from Toyota by then.
It depends on how long I own my Prius C for and how often it breaks. 5 years from now I won't have to make payments anymore. About 8 years I should break even vs a leaser. Given Toyota's record, I plan for the car to last more than 10 years. I could also sell the car at some point and in theory should break close to even with a leaser. At any rate, you can't really directly compare the monthly cost to lease vs the monthly cost of a loan. You have to include all the costs and the projected value of the vehicle when it is sold. For example, a lease on the Prius C 4 is about $250/month. $250 + $90 in gas = $340 = win (Of course we don't have that great deal on charging in our area)
I figure my 07 Prius (daughter is driving it) is running about $0.26/mile and dropping a little every month. The 2012 Volt is running about $0.29/mile for the 3 years of the lease. There are some $199/month leases for the volt, but I think they are ~850 miles/month.
One must think about how your driving impacts the fuel mileage of your car and all those behind you. Leaving cars stuck at at a red light because you maximize your mileage is not the best alternative. Your job is to get up to speed and get as many of your fellow drivers thru a light as possible. When you drive on an open highway and anyone who wants to go faster can pass, that is another story.
I've noticed now how much effort and gas (and money on tickets) I wasted in my '06 Grand Cherokee driving aggressively. Now in my C it's funny how often I see other people who like I used to, racing around, and end up stuck at the same light as me, over and over again. Only time I get on it is when I'm in the HOV lane (hate when other people slowpoke there), besides what's the point of being able to get in the carpool lane if not for getting to work on time?
I was thinking about this on my way home today. I was "smart braking" and coasting slow coming to stale red lights, and three in a row turned green before I caught up to the line stopped at them. If the (maybe) frustrated jeep behind me and everyone behind him could have gone his speed he would have been gunning it to the line and stopping like everyone else. I was then regulating traffic and making many people behind me get better gas mileage. Related story, yesterday a woman in an SUV was stuck behind a truck that was accelerating slowly. she would gun it, fast, at the truck and slam on the break. Then fall behind it, and gun it again close up, and repeat the process. Shameful.
There is certainly an important balance to strike between driving for mileage and being a considerate driver.