....and this coming from an owner of a Blizzard Pearl. Saw one today with the forged alloy gun metal wheels (PLUS) with the chrome lower moldings....wow, looked really elegant, sporty, and almost lexus-like
I really wanted to get the Nautical Blue. But, the dealer only had silver and gave me a really good price. I had Winter Gray and Blizzard Pearl. I wanted to go dark this time around. It just wasn't my luck. But, you really don't see a lot of them in Nautical Blue...at lease here in SoCal.
It's been damp in the morning and super hot and sunny in the afternoon....blizzard pearl really shows all the dirt and grime. Still love the color of my car but have to admit the nautical blue scores another point for its ability to disguise dirt.
Thanks for a quick review on your color, I also bought PiP in Clear Water Metallic blue, I do see it does not show dirt and hope it will save some wash time and money.
Simply meaning that blue is the least desirable color therefore dealers are willing to let it go for a little less than more popular colors.
If it makes you feel any better, the Nautical Blue Metallic does show dirt and dust pretty easily. I like mine, and when it's clean it does indeed look pretty classy with the lower door moldings. But the paint colors for hiding dirt are silver and beige (and possibly the sea glass pearl and the lighter blue metallic from previous model years).
Example...I did online negotiations with a dealer that had a pretty large inventory of 2's, which I wanted. I was actually negotiating for a red or white one at the time, I can't really remember exactly. Anyway, down to the last few back and forths he said he'd be willing to do this price for the nautical blue, but nothing else.