Hey there, Shoot me if I overlooked previously posted information, but in this video (couple minutes in) This dude charges the battery in drive by pressing the brake and gas. Why would you ever do this?! Maybe it was so for their competition so the car could be charged evenly for all competitors, but would this have any point in warming up the car? Can it even be done in the C? Thanks in advance.
If you are attempting a World Speed Record, you want the maximum battery charge. In real life, never do this. (My car has a brake pedal, I hope no one installed a break pedal) Modifying the Prius
I saw that video a few weeks back. I tried it. Would not work for me. Engine would rev a little then die. Dan
Wayne is doing one of his driving clinics in this video. The reason he wanted the battery charged up to a normal level is so he can teach this guy. Im pretty sure this is after a MPG drive and the driver still learning drained his battery trying to boost his MPG. It works but as Wayne says you then have to recharge the battery and it going to hurt.
If you press the brake pedal and hold the speed steady in drive, you waste energy period. I tried this when I first bought my 2005. Does not work
Iv done that many times, but I thought the subject was driving and charging ( to charge more ) All sort of irrelavent now that the Prime is here. The Rav 4 driving/charging is also superior, I thought.
In the video, 2:50 to 4:30, the subject is about force charging to get the battery above the initial 2 bars to something more reasonable for instructional purposes of the clinic. He is force charging not while driving, but while stationary. Speed is zero.
So you never go down big hills, neutral = zero energy use while bringing the car up to speed and then in drive.
The steeper the hill, the more you need D, or if really steep or long, B. No regenerative charging ever happens in N. You are just draining the HV battery anytime you are in N. In N, it is just friction brakes, no regen, no engine braking. Be safe, use D at least.
Does this mean that you have been a student in an instructional clinic many times? Or in competitions many times where you needed to start with the battery high? I don't remember anyone saying we needed to do this for ordinary real life driving, only for certain special circumstances that don't apply to ordinary commuting and travel. I won't use N to get up to speed for big hills either. Gravity will do the job soon enough. By using N to get to speed faster, one also hastens the need for throwing away energy high via RPM engine braking or friction pad braking.