Let me know what you guys think. I have been away from this forum for awhile. Just thought I would share. Both mood lighting has a dimmer switch to brighten and lower the mood
Funky!!! I like! (Maybe not the colour but I definitely like the idea and the cool pattern for the tray)
Nice! Definitely interested on how you did this and where/how u got the circuit board looking thingy!
Looks like printed or etched plexiglass with a neon tube at one end to make the whole thing glow. We used to use similar stuff for high end car audio installations.
Looks pretty cool. I believe that he has a light under the shifter console.......not the cirucit board tray.
more info Drunken..... Are you coming to the meet on the 30th....would love to see your car in person.
The light in the tray is added at the end of the plexiglass that has the shape of the tray. Anywhere the plastic is cut/scribed the light appears on the surface. It's a great approach to get indirect lighting because there is no hot spots. The down side I see in the plexiglass, it's very slippery to hold anything down and the items will cover up the great art work. But I must say this is the best results for new lighting in the cabin thus far. Keep up the fine work. my2cents.
I like the lighting console trim and would be interested in adding that. I already have a mod in place for the center storage tray illumination. 2012 Mods | PriusChat