Took delivery today, from the Toyota dealer in Centralia WA. VERY nice people to work with, and they took my order in mid-November for "as early in 06 as possible." Excellent experience all around. We drove it up to Mt Vernon to see my mother today (300 mile round trip, through Seattle each way) and it was actually fun! My initial impressions: it's weird to feel the two different motors going in and out of play as you drive. The backup camera is pretty wild (it has night vision). Stealth mode at the drivethrough is eerie -- I can better understand the story about the salesman who thought the car had died when the ICE shut down. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I'll answer before you ask: 51.1 MPG. It's about 50 degrees in these parts, and we averaged probably 70 MPH, without much stop-and-go. Glad to be part of the "club!"
Welcome, Zapranoth and congratualtions!! Now here's what you need to do. Read slowly; this is important. Turn the computer off and go read your manual. Cover to cover. When you're done, read it again. After that, pull up a seat, make yourself comfortable, and scoff at all those noobies who never took the time to read their manuals.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! If you can, could you post some photos? I want to see really good photos of the Silver Pine Mica color. THANKS!
I've been lurking in the background of this forum for months, learning all I can from all of you seasoned Prius owners. Thanks for so generously offering your made my purchase a confident one, and I was more than ready for Stealth Mode when it first kicked in! I picked up my 2006 Seaside Pearl Package #4 today from Crown Toyota in Lawrence, Kansas. I put down a deposit in August, and told the dealer I didn't want to take delivery until 2006, to qualify for the tax credit. I NEVER expected the car to come in so soon, and it was exactly the model I had requested as my first choice. Only drove about 80 miles today, just getting the feel of the car. After 12 years in a Honda Civic hatchback (which I loved), the Prius feels enormous! The Smart Key is taking some getting used to...I instinctively keep pulling it out of my pocket as I walk toward the car. Duh. Tonight's bedtime reading is the Owner's Manual, right after I do the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. Once a nerd, always a nerd.
Won't have a chance to do it tomorrow (during daylight) and no way am I gonna publicly post pictures that include the interior of my garage (it's deep in there)... but will do this weekend.
I think I saw that car recently some where... can't imagine where. Would you like to see the CAN-View?
Once again, the ambient light has a huge effect. In your photos, it almost looks silver. (The long run of rain and gray skies we've had here has contributed to this color -- Heidi's SPMica looks very similar.)
Okay, I think there are at least 3 now. Had talked to a dealer back in September when I got on two other waiting lists. He emailed me back even though I didn't get on a list with him, and on a lark I told him what I was looking for. He said they had one on the boat. On a lark I made him an offer. He came back with an offer that seemed close enough. We signed papers last night and they think it could be in Monday. So I also get a "long weekend" out of the bargain. Speaking of bargains, why is it that they always have to seem like they're giving you such a great deal. Can't they just level with you and say "I'll make this much if you buy this?" I know they may get some more money out of you up front, but as you think about it, you'll have buyer's remorse if they talked you into something you didn't want, and I doubt it will be better than the word of mouth advertising and satisfactory feeling you could have had that would keep you coming back. It just makes it seem so slimy and as you think about one thing they talked you into that you didn't want, you start to suspect everything they talked you into you shouldn't have wanted. And if I'm talking like this after thinking I actually had a pretty good experience, I can't imagine what people that were less informed (aka non-PriusChat addicted folks) would feel like. Oh wait, yes I can, like I did when I bought my 1st new car.