Well I live in minot, ND. we get snow and it goes below -20. I have to drive up and down a hill to get to work. I'm freaking out, I was watching videos of the regular Prius getting stuck in snow and Ice....I'm worried...I had no problems last year with my 150 HP 2000 honda accord with all season(not snow) tires....
Minot? We used to get threatened with Minot when we screwed something up in the Air Force. If you had no problems with the other front wheel drive you wont have any with the C. If you used mud and snow tires on the other front wheel drive car, use them on the C. Life is good when you own a C. Dan
People lived in North Dakota before the automobile. I think you'll be OK...especially in a city with something like 40,000 people in it. Use snow tires...in fact I'd consider getting a separate set of rims and mounting snow tires to those during the 9 or ten worst of the winter months up there. I don't have any stick time in one of the trial-size Priuses, and I don't drive any Priuses when there is snow, ice, or flooded streets---so I can't say if you'll get stuck in yours. However (comma!!!) I really don't think that you'll die if you get stuck.
It's difficult to understand what your intent actually is. Prius has been around for over a decade now, in all 50 states. It hasn't been a big deal. Here in Minnesota, this will be my 12th winter driving a Prius. I'm looking forward to it.
The car will get stuck in snow...just like any other car. The car will drive fine in snow...just like any other car. If I lived in ND (God help me), I'd buy studded snow tires, or at least very good snow tires and I'd be smart about when and where I drove...with any car including the c.
I have no experience with the C. However, the second gen Prii we had performed very well with a good set of all season tires here in Minnesota. The traction control on our 2007 & 2008 was a little sketchy if you hit a bump and the brakes at the same time. I believe they have improved that since though.
thanks for the replies. I was just worried because I saw a bunch of videos on youtube of the regular prius getting stuck in snow...and that "traction control"..
Older models did have problems with traction control, especially with worn or poor tires. The traction control -- really a transaxle protection system that also provides some traction control -- has been improved at least three times over the past decade. Most of us are happy with it now, but some are still not. Until someone has actual winter experience with a 'c', pay attention only to videos or criticisms of the GenIII system, not GenI or GenII.
If you are a good driver - you will be fine. Living in ND im sure you know how to drive on Snow and ice, this car is no different.
Some said the traction battery will last longer in the winter. Is it true? Malaysia is a hot country with a very high humidity.
Or, as the old A.F. saying goes, " Why not Minot?" I plan on getting some real snow tires before winter. It will be my primary ride and I really don't like being the stuck guy. Usually I drive my F250SD 4x4 and pull out stuck guys, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the C can do before I throw my hands up and pull out the truck keys. I took Wife's '09 out in deep snow it's first winter to see what she would be dealing with. I was impressed with what it was able to do. She had some trouble last winter, but she was being hard-headed about going up a hill should should not have tried plus the tires are 30k mile tires now. I've been mashing the gas in the C on some of our wet streets and in some sand/dirt from construction. I'm seeing a more aggressive pattern than what I saw in the liftback. Maybe there will be more tire slip than has been common in the other Prii. It's possible that it could be so that the target buyer would feel more like they're driving a regular car, or as has already been noted, they have finally gotten the message that we want some more tire slip.
i have lived in areas where snow tires at a minimum are required at certain times of the year. i am guessing North Dakota has such a rule. many reports of excellent traction with good tires. do a search, read about them, make a decision. guessing you still have most of a month to decide. i currently do not live in one of those areas but i believe MI was Nov 1 to April 1st traction tires were required
Three Alaska winters and not a single problem with the snow/ice. Do recommend studded snow tires though.
Ah, c'mon! One or two nice snows a year is just right (imagine that! about what we have here!). It's enough to give the cold weather clothes a workout, call in to work to tell them I'm telecommuting, and then put some cookies in the oven to bake 'cause it's a cozy day ;-)