I'm moving to hawaii soon and I'm just learning about the car theft problem I have a Prius C two... How do I prevent the car from being towed away? is it harder to steal a prius? I was being briefed and I was told Car thiefs put compact cars on flat beds and drive away..... What I can gather is turn my wheels to the right and use the parking brake.....I tend to freak out sorry for this flood of post.
I'm not sure there is ever going to be a fool-proof way to a determined car thief. Park where you can see your car (are you military? if so, should be safe enough on base), park in well-used, high traffic areas. If you are terribly concerned, investigate a Lojack?
Yeah I'm military but If I move off base I get additional pay....crap. Is it work getting an alarm on the prius C two?
That I couldn't answer you, though I have heard at least one horror story about an alarm installation gone bad. If it's convenient, talk to the dealership where you bought your C and ask them about the cost to install an alarm before you go.
(what you really need to prepare yourself for is how hostile the locals are towards the military personnel, though perhaps that depends on the island and may have changed since my experience. when i was on oahu, i saw bricks thrown at marines in and from moving cars without any provocation)
What car theft problems? Who steals Priuses? There are quite a few of us members here from Hawaii. I might be concerned if you had a late model Honda Civic but a Prius c is not a target vehicle for theft. Break-ins can happen anywhere to anyone but it is usually to those who are careless and leave valuables in plain sight. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I wish I could multi-quote with Tapatalk. James Cook is that your real name? Things did not work out for the last James Cook to visit the Islands.... Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Well....the bright side is your on an island. In the unlikely possibility your C is taken it won't be going very far. I love our C, I don't think it's high on the list for car thieves. I think you will be fine. As another member said look into LoJack if you want piece of mind. And thank you for your service!
Roc when we're you there? Locals are hostile at stupid military who go out and get drunk and act like asses. There are always bad apples but most locals will bend over backwards to help out anyone the aloha spirt and a since of ohana are alive and well. Most non local military don't go out and make local friends. Then they complain that oh Hawaii sucks and locals are mean and so on and so forth. Come with an open mind, remember where you are learn about local culture, customs and you should not have any problems. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
James Cook if you want to chat offline PM me. If I can help answer any questions or offer any advice please don't hesitate to ask. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I don't believe Prius's are high on the car thieves list. IIRC - Hondas seem to be near the top of the hit parade. When I was younger it was VW Bugs. Then it was Toyotas. Depends on what the younger generation is into modifying and building up. Datsuns/Nissans were popular targets at one time cause it was easy to pop the ignition and start it with anything flat (like a screwdriver). I ain't too mechanical and I helped a friend who lost her keys start her Datsun - I was shocked at how easy it was. Depends too where you find housing - like anywhere - a few neighborhoods are notorious for criminal activity. If you know where you're going to be stationed - you can probably ask around and find out the areas to avoid. Just remember there's a..holes anywhere and there's nice people too. And don't assume you're getting bad service in stores and shops cause you're military. I've lived here all my life and I often can't get service in stores - must look like I don't have money or something. Take care.
I don't think HPD even has LoJack receivers in their marked patrol cars. I know for sure that is not in the subsidized patrol vehicles. It is an island unless the car is stolen to be parted out or chopped it will be found. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Admittedly, it was a couple of decades ago. What I witnessed was not provoked by drunken or rude behavior on the part of the servicemen, it was more of a "we don't want you here" kind of attitude that I could never fully grasp. I was only there about a month, but a few folks (generally very nice people) I knew who were stationed there long-term were quite shocked and upset by the hostility that greeted them at grocery stores or just walking down the street. If we had a bad run, or just saw the worst side, all the better. I'd hate to think of an island population so divided.
"What can I do with it" That's the question when a thief seeing a Prius. No thieves want to steal a Prius. It's on the top of the least stolen car in the US.
I just need to get my 2 cents in here, I was stationed in Hawaii for three years and NEVER had an issue with any of the locals. Back on topic, I was researching aftermarket rims when I was having trouble finding a Prius with the alloys and when I asked at one shop, what wheel locks would cost, I got the strangest look before he asked me"Who is going to steal a Prius?"I guess we are the only ones that love these cars.
I've driven small hatchbacks most of my life. They don't seem to be magnets for thieves. They DO however seem to acquire far more than their share of parking lot dings! Drivers of big cars seem to enjoy parking next to small cars so they can use some of that space you didn't use. I've been hyper vigilant about parking out a ways. I just have a "thing" about Seattle on that front because my experience here (versus other states I've lived in with small cars) is that people are outright rude here when it comes to banging doors against your car and just generally thinking a small car in a lot is an invitation for them to take 1.25 spaces for their gas hog.