Hello all, I am new to the hybrid world... I went out and got a Prius (take delivery Wednesday) after my Focus flipped and got totaled on the highway... almost killing me in the process. I got a 2010 Prius II with 27,000 miles on it for just under 19k. I am happy with it, do you all think I got a good price? Any words of wisdom for a newbie? I know I will be replacing the head unit with a nav unit as soon as I get the money. Any thoughts on Advent/Rosen/Cheap Chinese? OEM look is KEY to me as is Sirius/XM capability.
yeah, luckily there was no passenger, only me the driver... the foreground on that picture is the passenger side... if there was somebody in that seat they would be in a bad way. i got lucky, walked away with a concussion and some scrapes. anybody know if a prius will protect me similarly? i dont plan on having this happen again and the prius safety features seem pretty good to me but a story i guess would be nice.
Wow!! That Focus definitely took a beating! I am also new to the Prius game. Sounds like you got a good deal Greek.
awwww, thats a shame bud, thats a nice focus, i would grab your rims, and any other easily removable aftermarket items you had on there and sell them to regain some money. if they are not torn up of course, thank the good lord you are ok. that had to be scary.
Hey Greek - any updates? Im picking up my 2007 Level 5 today, I skipped out on the 2008 Level 2 I was looking at. I cant wait but am anxious to hear your feedback - anything you particularly love (besides the mpgs!) or hate?
rims were OEM, everything on that car was actually.... insurance totaled it so i couldnt take anything if i wanted to.. and pretty much everything was trashed... repair estimate was 19k on a car i paid 17k for 1.5 years ago!
the one thing i would i say is that i am VERY happy i decided to go with a gen 3 (2010+) instead of a gen 2. i had looked at a 2006 with low miles and every bell and whistle you could think of... but the styling of the 2010 and the couple extra mpgs, along with the future resale value did it for me. there one thing i do particularly love (beside the mpgs!) is the size of the back once you fold the seats down... i have never had a hatchback before, so this is just amazing to me what i can fit in the back.... not to mention the fun a man in his early 20's can have with all that space
Thanks for the update!! I went GenII because Im an accountant by nature (not by trade) and after days of calculating on paper and the computer how long it will take for the car to pay for itself - a GenIII did get better mpg's - but a used GenII could be purchased at a lower price which made for a better starting point for me. Had I just another $5-8000 in my budget, a GenIII would've been my pick. But sometimes we have to have stepping stones, right? Ill start here and maybe in a few years pick up used GenIII for a good price In other news, gas jumped here (Metro Detroit) to $4.09/g. today. Perfect timing!
yeah 3.95 here in pa, glad i got my prius a month ago. going on 1 1/2 weeks and just got to half a tank.
3.70 here around richmond... i drive 4-500 miles a week so i have already had to fill up once... but it only took 9 gallons w00t!
Welcome to the forum! Oh, store an inflatable mattress or wide sleeping pad as well as a nice thick blanket/comforter under the rear cargo deck for ummm, emergency situations.
Hey Greek, since we are both new to this game and got our cars around the same time have you had a chance to check your 12v battery voltages and have you adjusted your tire pressure yet? I checked my 12v battery and it was at 12.1v with the accessory on. I turned on the headlights and it went to 11.4v then up to 11.8v. Also I checked my tire psi's and they were around 31. Pssh! I upped the fronts to 40psi and the rears to 38psi. Just checking on whatchya been up to, you know just being nosey hehe