Hi all, Is there no Lifetime Mileage button for the 2006. I have only the current and average for the latest after reset (filled the tank for the first time last weekend.) I noticed that others seem to have the lifetime avg. in earlier versions. Is this only available with NAV or I am missing something? Gordon
That isn't lifetime. It's only for 9999 miles. Of course, anything beyond that is worthless anyway... since the margin-of-error will actually exceed the changes you'd see.
it's cumulative as it just keeps adding the 10,000 and at 25000 it's within .3 I've never reset it since I got the car. If I want to see what's happening I wait and look at the spread sheet.
Hmmm. So, the avg. reading is really the "lieftime" avg. until 10,000 miles? That is, it's not the avg. of the current tank, but rather the total avg. for the vehicle? If that's so, then I guess I'll have to avg. manually each tank to see anu changes? (In the 2006, the avg. "resets" automatically at each fillup over 2gallons (I think it's 2 gallons- don't have the manual in front of me.) I assumed when it reset the miles to 0 on the consumption screen (the one with the bar graphs) that is also reset the avg. Am I wrong?