I know it's not a big deal, BUT...I just had an awesome 40 minute trip and totaled 58 mpg! I'm starting to figure out how to drive this car. It's fun to drive in a manner that challenges you in a way to driver economically. I am however starting to annoy my kids and friends with all the mpg updates..I love it!
I don't know if it's because this is my first new car or the that it's a hybrid or it's the dash-thingy that makes me want to drive this car more and try to beat my previous MPGs like a video game or something....It's been 2 weeks and it still feels like christmas driving this car. lol
i know exactly what your saying. I want to do any chores. Pick up my son from work...I'll do it! We need something from the grocery store? I'll get it. I just want to be in the car and try and beat my previous outing. It is like a video game in that sense. I am having fun picking the screens, I usually use the the eco mode because i like to see the ECO score (start,cruise,stop) as i'm always challenging myself to get perfect scores. I love that i can blue tooth anything from my phone! NFL mobile, Pandora My music libray ,phone calls. it's pretty cool for a techy guy like myself. I'm having a blast!
how are you averaging 60.7 mpg? that is what i strive for. is that over the length of time or one trip? that is amazing! How fast are you going to get that?
I drive mostly freeway at 60mph and sometimes rural roads at 50-55mph. I do not use the AC unless my girlfriend is in the car. At times like that I drive faster and use the AC so my mileage drops into the mid 50s. If I can toss in a little extra hypermiling I can get 65-68mpg and if I do some pulse & glide driving I can get 70+. This is over the course of full tanks. I don't care much about trip mpg now that I figured out how to get over 100mpg. It's the every day driving that concerns me most because that is where our money goes. The c has much potential for high mpg. Watch the videos and learn from people like ufourya and some of the GenIII guys in the GenIII forum. There is a wealth of knowledge in these forums! Oh and the reason my average is lower is because in the GenIII the computer overestimates mpg by approx. 5% so my 65mpg tanks are really only 62mpg or so. Toss in a few low 50mpg tanks and your average drops pretty quick until you have a lot of taks over 60mpg.
I think they need to make it like the oldschool arcade video games. If I get a high score I want to put my initials in.
It seems like a lot of the guys that get really good MPG are flatlanders. Having to go up and down a fair amount during my regular commute has kept me in 55mpg average territory. It doesn't help when they put a couple stop signs in the valleys between a few hills.
You can use an App like My Tracks from Google the export it to Google Maps or you can use Google Earth and plot a route then choose the option to show elevation mapping.
+1 - 5000 plus miles and the car still makes me smile when I drive it. Video game - yeah - it's kinda addicting and I don't even pulse and glide. MPGs have been improving the last few hundred miles - maybe the car is breaking in?
Good point! One of my tires picked up a exacto knife blade about 3 months ago - replaced under road hazard warranty. Didn't even know I had the warranty. Maybe the replacement tire added to the break-in time. Also found out having even one tire (with the blade) running low pressure really lowers mileage - barely got 40-42 MPG till tire was changed out. On the other hand: the compact spare brought the MPGs up quite a bit. YMMV