IRRC it looked like either a Cabbage Patch Kid or a Garbage Pail Kid how ever you wanted to perceive it. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
<insert Rodney Dangerfield-like voice> I get no thanks around here! </end Rodney Dangerfield-like voice>
Well Dave... if you must be counted... in here the THANKS you give and receive are the only current markers of your participation.
We wish everyone a very merry christmas... And we had to sit for pictures... Merry Christmas... And Thanks.
Now I need to write something worthy of thanks. All I can think of is to express my appreciation for all the people on PriusChat, and hope that everyone has a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Awesome Solstice, Good Kwanza, and a Great New Year!
+1... And a bestivus Festivus for the rest of us: [ame=]A FESTIVUS for the rest of US! - YouTube[/ame]
And I want to belatedly thank my children for getting me the Nano for my birthday... great little radio and fitness tracker...
amm0bob does like some bazaar stuff... so I've been told... but personally Bra, I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, errrr, keystrokes... I like hearing the banter in your original voice. sorta like a chorus, each contributing a little different note to the song.
Jr. you lost me^? I was just saying that the thanks got switched to likes now. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.