Haven't posted here in ages. My 2004 has 132K miles and still running great. We now have a PIP standard model as well. Sorry to ask such a dumb question but I couldn't find it in a search of the forums: I can't find a screen that tells what the overall mileage per tank is. Does it exist on this car?
there's a miles to empty indicator. Just click on the trip button on your steering wheel till you get to the little car car icon shows up on the display. There's trip A, B Miles to Empty and total miles
Thanks, I saw that screen. But my 2004 has a running tank mileage that resets each time I fill up. The trips A & B, miles to empty, and total miles don't tell you what your average mileage is. It's not on the minute-by-minute readout, either. To clarify, I'm looking for a readout that tells you how many miles you have gone per gallon of gas used.
My guess is since you have EV calculated in the mix you won't have pure "mileage" It's a combination of EV and HV now.
there is 'avg. mpg' per trip a or b. so you have to use one of those. i use a for the tank and b for a trip. not like the 04.
thanx bisco, I wasn't sure b/c I usually have my trip odo in A (EV miles) And it takes me three months to get avg. per tank. which I have trip B in
it's just to the right of the trip letter. it might just say 'mpg'. be aware, it's a blend of electric and gasoline if you have plugged in, but it doesn't account for the electricity, so it's higher than actual.
At the top of Prius Plug-in page 1 is a topic PIP & MPG Spreadsheet The 1st message has a link where many PIP owners list their Gas Fillup data. MPG Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AptkktKEhdz9dGF0WWdUZEpqWWdJOGhDWlFsWDBUdGc#gid=10 It shows many Miles per Tank. Everyone should remember to add their data for every Gas Fillup.
I noticed on my PiP the "miles to empty" will go back UP when you recharge. So this does factor in. My 'Miles to empty' was down to ZERO, when my last block started blinking on gauge. But then I charged up, without refueling and it went up to 14 which matched my EV range. It ticked off exactly same as my EV miles ticked off. Did my first fillup today....After last block blinking for approx 40 miles(mix of EV/HV) I only could put 8.6 gallons in for my first fillup @ 1000 miles since i bought it. So i could have gone at least another 75-100 miles even on HV! $32 bucks for an entire month of driving, man i love this car!!! My truck wont even go 3 days on 32 bucks! LOL ......Here are my first fillup stats.... First fillup-Date (bought car Aug 11th 2012-29 days old) Filled at 1000 miles on Odometer Getting 119mpg at first fillup (Trip B is at 927.5 as car was bought with 72 miles on it) 533 distance to empty after first fillup(I topped it off) Complete STATS at first fillup(Car is just about 1 month old-29days exactly)
There isn't a mileage per tank anymore. There is a MPG for trip A/B which you can manually reset on fill-up to get the MPG per tank. This shows up as CONS MPG on the HYBRID SYSTEM INDICATOR or 1/5min CONSUMPTION screens which you can access on the Multi Information Display by pressing Display until they show up. Then you can press Trip until the desired Trip A/B indicator shows up. Hold down Trip to reset the Trip A/B currently displayed. Trip A/B also shows up on the ENERGY MONITOR, but CONS MPG does not.