2007 Saturn VUE Green Line They're limping in to the hybrid race but at least GM is trying. They're not, though, telling us what the mpg on this hybrid is but at 23,000, it's the lowest priced hybrid SUV on the market. It's also $2000 more than a gas-only VUE. I'm not sure how great it will be though, considering that the VUE doesn't have a great reputation. It's encouraging but overall, it sounds like more of the same from GM. <_<
It sounds like the Vue could be a repeat of the GM diesel automobile fiasco in the 80's; lets take an exisiting car, make a few modifications, and say we have a hybrid.... fd
Yeah, I remember GM's goofball Cadillac diesel with two full-sized batteries. One on the right front corner and one on the left. Leave it to GM to add another layer or two of complexity in a vain attempt to make it different some how. Always missing is that simple, elegant and thoughtful design of the one they copy.
While I applaud them finally showing up to the party. How can they hope to "vault to the technological forefront by delivering 25 percent more fuel efficiency" when Toyota is delivering "33 percent more fuel-efficient than the nonhybrid versions". Even Honda is better then 25% isn't it? Typical of Detroit: a day late, dollar short, and still missing the point.
Notice how there is no talk of smog-related emissions when it comes to the mild hybrids. That's because there is no improvement at all.
I got the info after subscribing to a saturn message board a long time ago (to help my mom out with a problem with her car... ok, a problem that I created because I thought I could install a new car stereo), and still get emails from them. Here's what I have from the email: Looking through most of it, can I be the first to say: :huh: yawn
So it's like the Honda system. Big whoop. I think Ford will trounce 'em with the FEH. If I were in the market for an SUV it would be either the Ford or Toyota Highlander. But (to me) the Ford gets the nod for tuning their system for fuel efficiency rather than going the "high performance" route like Toyota and Lexus on their SUVs.
27 city, 32 hwy, oh boy You know, here in Detroit, all we see on the local news is the auto show. They had some GM guy on, talking about the VUE and he said that insurance companies were talking about giving hybrid owners a discount. I thought that they were thinking about doing that for Prius owners specifically, not hybrid owners in general.
Let's not be so hasty to dismiss this alternative. Not everyone wants to spend the money for the best fuel economy possible. Nor is it even clear that this isn't the best SUV fual economy--depends on your driving needs. The VUE undercuts the Ford (a Toyota licensee) by $4,000 and is expected to get 1mpg BETTER on the highway EPA... and it's $10,000 cheaper than a Highlander, which is rated 4mpg lower on the highway. So if you're not a city driver, which is better? Sounds like an interesting economic tradeoff that will help drive the market to more consumer choice. Since the VUE shuts off the engine at idle (and cuts off fuel during deceleration) there will be some emissions savings. The design is not like Honda at all, though it shares the same "serial" nature--power goes through the same rotating shaft en-route to the wheels. (That's ultimately why the Toyota system still reigns supreme.) The Honda design places a motor between the engine and tranny. The GM design uses a beefed-up alternator as the motor, so the engine is between tranny and and the motor. If it delivers the mpg improvement that much more cost-effectively, it's definitely some noteworthy engineering. I don't see any other car companies in the game anywhere near that price! This might be a good step up from my wife's truck.... Hmmm. Gary
Apparently, someone else needs the same advice. The same system just announced today for Camry-Hybrid will work very nicely in a new version of Highlander-Hybrid. Just because the beefy version came out first doesn't mean it will be the only one.
27mpg? The Escape Hybrid got 31.4mpg on the mix driving test that Frank posted. Edit: Auto stop is not a hybrid feature damn it! It's listed as one in their "brochure". Also, what's "Electric Motor transmission shift smoothing"?!? is that a term or just bad grammar? It's listed as 170hp, the engine outputs 166hp according to the brochure... so the battery is 4hp? It says over 10kW of power though. Honestly, I think the VUE hybrid is for those who want to have the hybrid name tag but without the cost. It barely does anything. Although I must admit, I guess something is better than nothing at all.
Amazing how automotive editors don't know what they're writing about. They spoke about the Silverado having an electric motor. It does not have one! All it has is a big nice person battery with a very heavy duty starter. That's a hybrid??