Thinking to switch from E1. I don't like E9 peak hour, from 2-9pm, but off peak is cheaper than E6. Which one I should use? I usually stay home around 7pm and sleep around 12am. (I can't install solar panel because I am living in townhouse. )
use this calcualtor, you can down load your last year of hourly usage data and then it will compare what rate is better for you , a nice ap, and now with the smart meter you can get the data to give you the answer for me E9 was better even without solar although i have solar so E9 is an easy choice
PG&E E-9 rates In summary, the peak rates vary from $0.30 to $0.54 per KWH, depending on which tier the usage falls in (more you use, more it costs per unit of usage). Off peak ranges from $0.037 to $0.198 per KWH.
On the Off peak, what is the limit of usage to maintain the .037 per KWH ? Is it something reasonable, like 5-6 hours? TY
Before I got my PIP, I reached Tier 2 each month. Now, I reach Tier 3 on my last 3-4 days each month.
My baseline is about 320KWH/month, distributed proportionally across the usage in the three rates (there is also a middle part-peak rate). I got 143 KWH at the cheap $0.037 rate on my last bill. The baseline amount is computed using a secret formula that takes into account average usage in one's neighborhood, your geographical location, time of year, and probably some other factors. (Kind of like the intercollegiate football rankings.) I've done things like using the timer on the dishwasher to come on after off-peak kicks in at midnight.
Deregulating utilities really didn't help us much here in California. Rates in many places are worse than Hawaii's…
That's pretty good, that gives you about 45 days of charging at the .037 rate, discounting the dishwasher. Your usage is about 10 times what mine is!
We just had solar put on and opted for E6 initially. After we have a year under our belt I'll take another look and consider moving to E9a (whole house). Got our first PG&E bill. All minimum meter charges & the NEM statement shows a $30 credit so far.
I just started E6 too with solar just installed a month ago. My solar guy seemed to be pretty confident E6 was best after reviewing my usage patterns, but I'll do the same review after a year.