We just traded our '05 in for a '12. On the Gen II, the consumption screen gave you a mpg readout for the current tank of gas but I can't find it on the Gen III. Can anyone tell me if I can get the mpg per tank readout on the new car.
You just have to use trip a or b and reset it each tank if you want to have that now, it's not in the gen III. And if you want a running lifetime mpg just use the other trip. I use a as my lifetime and b for each tank...
I was just wondering about this as well. It is going to take me a while to adjust to this new display after 4 years with a gen 2. I had the old one down to a science.
Off topic but what the heck is going on with the display that shows tons of narrow bars in a bar graph. Not the standard rolling 5 minute mpg graph - the other one.
I use Trip A for each actual trip I do in the car. Gives a nice immediate feedback for how aggressively I'm driving. Trip B is reset only when I fill up the tank to full, which gives me a longer MPG per tank reading. Since I use Fuelly.com, I really don't worry about either, though I do always remember to record information when filling up the tank.
I was looking for the same read-out for mpg. I miss it too. With all of the other features Toyota added (like dollar savings???) , it's a shame they didn't retain this one. My next step is to see if the ScanGauge can do it? Update 8/28/12: It appears you can get the average mpg per tank. It reads with the trip mileage indications, after you switch the display to "Consumption" instead of the dollar value saved.
I do the same. Trip B is my fill-up odometer. Trip A is what I use for switching between "city" and "highway" driving. For me, "city" is anything that isn't consistent, high-speed highway driving. See the response above. Just reset your Trip A or (like I do) Trip B at every fill-up, and then you have your running read-out for the current tank. It also will show the previous five (or so) tanks in a summary/comparison. The best thing about the Gen III display is the Hybrid Information Display (or some such moniker). This tells you when you are driving in a more- or less-efficient manner. It really helps you learn "stealth" driving. In my Gen II, I didn't need that info, because I could feel the ICE shut off through my hands or feet (or ears!). In my Gen III, the "feel" just isn't the same, and I couldn't really be certain of the ICE shut-off point.