Take a look at the Toyota pressroom photo of the new Camry Hybrid MDF "Consumption" screen: http://pressroom.toyota.com/Images/View?id=TYT2006010618870 The 30-minute graph is now broken down into individual 1-minute bars rather than 5-minute bars, plus there is are fields for "Best" in addition to the "Average" MPG. It will be interesting to see what other new features the Camry introduces into the MDF (which otherwise appears similar to the interface of the Prius), and whether those features ever make it to future Prius versions. I think automakers are entering into new business-model territory here, whether they intend to or not... People are used to upgrading the software on their computers and many desire to keep up with the latest/greatest features. People are also used to trading in their cars for newer models, and are used to making mechanical changes to their current cars for performance and/or appearance reasons. But, will people start demanding software upgrades for their current cars? With all the gadgets now appearing, built-in MP3, satellite radio, navigation, energy use/consumption screens, Bluetooth phone directories, etc., there is a lot of software that may begin to look "tired" long before the vehicle is mechanically due to be replaced. If Toyota is smart, rather than irritating customers by not issuing upgrades on past models, or by requiring hardware upgrades where only a software patch is necessary, they could start an annual software upgrade program where people could by a new DVD or patch every year, if they want one. The implementation details might be complicated, and there might be performance issues where a customer might rightly complain that a car that got 50MPG under software version 2 now only gets 48MPG under software version 3, etc. But look at where the industry is headed, with more and more computers and touch-screen user interfaces. Consumers, especially some of us tech geeks, are going to want some upgrades. Will we see aftermarket MFDs in 10 years? Open-source engine control software? - Bob R.
updates are a big no-no, simple flash can cause so many different problems. In most cars, toyota doesnt let mechanics re-flash their ecu, which ends up costing them millions when something goes wrong and they have to get completly new ecu, instead of reflashing. Reason of that is that possibility of failure is large. Would you really want to reboot your car 100 times before it starts working again? too many variables...
Right... too many variables right now... but most customers don't experience the inner-workings of ECU upgrades. They experience the car via a touch-screen that works very similar to clicking around the web. People are used to experiencing regular upgrades to this kind of interface. Perhaps cars in the future will segregate nonessential features (fatures that don't affect engine operation, braking, steering, etc.) into a system that can easily be upgraded via a DVD change. The NAV system essentially is like this already. - Bob R.
What I notice is a much higher resolution display. I've seen the higher resolution DVD Nav screen, does the '06 Prius feature the consumtion graph in high res? Any of the '06 owners have a picture to share?
Yess, all of the '06 screens are higher resolution with different graphics. The basic functions are mostly the same, with the Climate controls layout being reorganized compared to previous years. You can see a couple of the screens on the Toyota pressroom site, but the resolution of the public photos isn't sufficient to really see the difference. http://pressroom.toyota.com/Images?p=2&cri...Y06+Prius&st=kw - Bob R.
We need pictures! C'mon all you newbie '06 Prius owners! Put that new digi cam you got for Christmas to use and snap a couple shots of the various new hi-res screens!