Engines do have more wear particles in their first miles of operation and some of those particles that are too small for the oil filter to catch do increase wear. So yes, an early oil change will reduce engine wear. Could you measure the difference in wear outside a well equipped engine lab? That is highly doubtful. The primary advantage to doing an early early change for people that want to do early oil changes is that it makes them feel better.
There are many on here that prefer to maintain their cars above and beyond the minimum Toyota recommended maintenance, including myself. Most that do this prefer an early first change for the reason that xs650 said. The choice is yours to make. Do what makes you feel better.
Years ago .. actually decades .. cars came with oil that was designed to allow wear so that the piston rings and a now no longer used type of bearing would "Seat". This early change advise is left over from that period. No cars that I know of suggest an early change .. even the high performance Porsche engines. It is not necessary.
You can never over change your oil but under changing it will damage your engine. No matter how good manufacturing process gets, it is always advisable to change your oil early at the beginning to make sure it's clear of contaminants from early engine wear. I've always subscribed to it and all my cars have easily lasted over 100k miles without any issues.... with most even lasting over 150k miles without issues.
Since the official owners manual doesn't mention or require it- it's not mandatory to do your first change before 10K mi. That being said- I did my first change at 5k mi, my next change will be at 10K mi (in approx 2 weeks from now) and then I'll stick with the factory recommendation of changes every 10k mi afterwords. I also plan to rotate the tires at the same time I do my oil changes...