I pissed off ZERO drivers - really - during this segment. Light traffic today and reverse passing took care of all of them. It was the people walking/walking their dogs who were most annoyed thinking the right lane is for them. (No sidewalks.)
Whoa there, F8L. Pretty strong on the language. God and I are still working on the relationship and I don't really need anyone weighing in on the negative side as I feel the situation is tenuous. What's a mere 55 miles or so? You can do it. May God bless you and your efforts. (I'm told turning the other cheek works - and experience has taught me that it does - sometimes.)
wow great numbers i did this today coming home after my first fill up and thought it was pretty dang good lol.. mix of city (50kph/31mph roads) and county driving (80kph/50mph roads) with me doing about 60kph and 90kph with traffic. 2.9l/100km =81.11 mpg
Just out of sheer curiosity ufourya, what do you do for a living and how old are you? It will help me get a better picture of who this great hypermiler is.
I won't characterize myself as a great hypermiler. I have merely looked for the right topography and applied time and patience to a tank or a segment. The rest of the time I am subject to time constraints and pressures which take me mostly out of hypermiler mode and I return rather prosaic numbers. I am on old codger, mostly retired, how about you?
To get 86 on a whole tank I would consider you a great hypermiler. Did you own a Gen2 before the c? As for me, I'm a middle aged Realtor in Lincoln.
I had a Gen II but never attempted to apply hypermiling with any seriousness. If memory serves, I usually returned mid-40 MPGs. Gas was under $2 and I drove it pretty hard. Traded it with only 60k for a VW Golf which is a lot more fun to drive (in the conventional sense.) With the absurd energy policies of the current administration and gas prices heading ever upward, I was forced (budget) to seek an altrenative and the c came along at the right time. The 86 MPG tank was pure labor in response to F8L's challenge to c owners. I'm old, but the competetive juices can still start to flow on occasion. I'll need a few days off in a row to start and complete my attempt at a 800-900 mile tank. If anyone wants to contribute, oh, $500 ought to do it, to compensate for time lost from work, I can start right away. (Anyone from Toyota listening?)
Ufourya, my mpg is not as impressive as yours but I would love to learn from you. If you don't mind, can you just make a small video of your MID's panel while driving during one of your weekend days? I really don't want to bother you with all these explanations while driving, I can understand what you are doing just by looking at the ECO score screen. So a simple video of your screen will be more than enough for me. Thanks!
You may not believe this, but I do not own a working video camera. The master hypermiler instructs a novice.
Absolutely outstanding. Just how boring was this? Say, would you be kind enought to make a video of how it's done?
Pretty boring since no one called me during this session. Thankfully the river is beautiful so everytime I got on the levee road I was refreshed. I thought about taking video of a few segments but I don't have anything to hold my phone steady. I will try to figure out a way to mount it so you can see the dash displays while I pulse & glide and how I tackle certain sections of road. You already do the same things but I'm sure others would find it helpful.
I have yet to find a long, straight, flat, lightly traveled four-lane road around here. I would really like to see how the c matches up to the liftback in a pure p&g sense. I read somewhere that its lighter weight and slightly higher coefficient of drag would handicap it. The video request and the one of Gerdes above are kind of tongue-in-cheek. Sorry, Mik1, it's late. As much as I admire Gerdes' accomplishments, I'd have to put him out of the car. Just sayin'.
The c should be 5-10 mpg's higher than the Gen3 in any given circumstance that doesn't include highway speeds. If less weight was handicapping hypermilers you would be seeing us putting sand bags in our vehicles.
Sorry I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but there is one video on YouTube I've seen of the c being driven around with a view of the ECO score screen:
Is there a source you can point me to which makes the 5-10 MPG case? Thanks. And, great 800 mile tank, by the eay! I understand more weight is a handicap while pulsing, but the thought expressed was that in the glide, it increased sustaining momentum. I wish I could remember where I read it. Update: Review: 2012 Toyota Prius c | The Truth About Cars I think I found your 5-10 mpg source.
my drive home from work yesterday ( about 6km) i got a 2.1l/100km (112.1mpg!!) i didnt get a pic when i turned the car off though lol il see if i can repeat on my way home today