Prius Plug-in enthusiasts, you can help Toyota, other EV manufacturers, utilities and governments by participating in the Electric Vehicle Information Exchange survey. The survey will help the EV industry better understand consumer wants, needs and current EV usage behavior. Let your voice be heard: #mce_temp_url# Posted with permission by Moderator "Paradox"
Yes, we were contacted asking if the community could be asked to participate in a survey which would help the EV industry and after looking around their site felt it would be fine to post a thread about the survey.
There may be people who don't currently own one who may be in the market and may have something to add to the survey. At least that's how I was looking at it, so in here PiP people and others will see it; It gets more views in here basically then in the PiP forum. Volt people may want to take it too but I don't want the same thread posted all over the place so hopefully them, tesla people, leaf people and others will see it in here as well if they enjoy all there is to read on Priuschat. Edit: I made a locked sticky thread in the PiP forum linking here. After a month or so I'll just unsticky it...
i took it, but this is the second survey i've done that's primarily focused on pure ev's and not phev's.
This feels like a marketing survey. Possibly for fast chargers (which PHEV currently can't use). It's really for anyone who might have an opinion about EVs. And yes, they do list the Prius PHEV (along with Volt and some other hybrids). I did get the feeling in taking the survey that "EV" to the pollsters meant something slightly different than it does to many on these boards. Everybody needs data. Maybe this isn't the most scientific sample, but it may reflect the population of those who are most interested in hybrids and electrically powered vehicles.
EVIX just published the findings report from its national, consumer electric vehicle survey, which was conducted from July to September. If you took the survey, thank you for participating. For anyone who is interested, the summary report is available to download at
The topline summary is free and provides a general overview of the findings from the survey. If you have specific questions that are not answered in the topline summary report please email us at [email protected] and we may be able to provide you with more detail at no cost. The full report is not just a summary of how people answered the questions. It is over 100 pages of detailed analysis and comparisons of survey responses and other research that EVIX has done. It took a lot of time, effort and internal costs to complete this research. We believe the research will help inform the companies that are shaping the industry, and, yes, we are selling it. The full report is geared toward manufacturing companies, utilities and infrastructure installers. The purpose of the report is to help them better evaluate the market and make more informed decisions to move the electric vehicle industry forward.