I just bought a 2012 Prius 3 last weekend and was going over the display manual. It says when the "CAR" button is pushed, there should be 2 options, Consumption and TPMS. Only the comsumption option is available. Do I have an older version of the display software or is it just not available on the gen-3 2012 Prius?
Well that is interesting! I just bought a 2012 - Two- with 6.1 display. No TPMS info either but I thought it was because I bought a 2 without nav rather than a three. The manual appears to be outdated from the actual software loaded into the system.
I brought this up with my dealer and they had to do a lot of research to get an answer...turns out only the HDD upgrade package has the individual tire pressure feature. Yours (and mine) simply has the warning symbol if pressure gets low.
I have a Five with the HDD upgrade. I can't find it nor there is a CAR button anywhere on the Nav. There is an INFO button which will bring up APPS, CONSUMPTION, XM TRAFFIC, STOCK, WEATHER, etc, no pressure anywhere.
I have a 2012 Four with the moonroof/solar package and the 7" HDD navigation. There is no car option nor tire pressure monitor. Did they remove this on the 2012's?
It's in the manual and I searched and searched for it and could not find it in my Pip Advanced which has the HDD navigation. I gave up. I also searched and searched for it in my dads PiP base which has the display audio system and could not find it. I gave up.