Spell Checker

Discussion in 'PriusChat Website Questions' started by andyprius, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. andyprius

    andyprius Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Sacramento, California.
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    We used to have a spell checker, what happened? It's excellent for editing. My spellings not bad but my typo errorsar ehorrendous.
  2. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
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    May 11, 2004
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    I remember "back in the day" when Danny switched from the older forum to this newer format. One of the first things he heard feedback on was the lack of a spell checker. He is anticipating again switching servers and forum software. I'm going to hang tight for now and hope that the next round comes with a spell chekker.
  3. andyprius

    andyprius Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Sacramento, California.
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Good news, I look forward to it
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Buut that wud put all the spewl cheker moderaters out of busines???
  5. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I hate the lack of a spell checker, not at home but at work where I use a Windoz box. I have dyslexia and am a horrible speller. At home I have a program called Spell Catcher. It has been around for a long time on the Mac System. It was originally called Thunder, and has migrated with the Mac through the years. Rain Maker Inc (http://www.rainmakerinc.com/) makes this spell checker that operates in the background on all applications. Yes there is a Windows version but they will not let me add anything to the computer at work. So what I do is open word. Compose in Word, then spell check and cut and paste to the Web Browser. I really like have the spell checking as I type. I would like to see the spell checker back.
  6. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    yea... I asked for one a while back to.... I guess it takes a whole system upgrade rather than a little plugin or addition..... I don't know.....
  7. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
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    May 11, 2004
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    I am naturally a really poor speller. I usually type my thoughts, very stream-of-conscious. To make things worse, I watch my hands and the keyboard when I type. I am always transposing letters in words and putting spaces before the last letter of a word making it the first letter of the following word. And what do I do for a living? I compose educational matierials.

    You can imagine my reliance on spell checkers.
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    And it really irritates me when people relate intelligence with the ability to spell.

    I hate reading books, but I used to alot when I was in school. The way my memory works is that its very photographic..... I see the words in my mind and type them.

    I'm so thankful for the edit function on this forum!...... thats more important to me than the spell checker!

    My errors are usually because I overlook and transpose invisible words in my mind that I never actually wrote.... even though I check several times..... I still overlook things.

    If I had to trade one for the other, the edit is most useful to me.

    Thankfully I recognize many of my mistakes. Many people who are genius's in some areas can't spell, or do math... call it mild autism?.....

    But many that spell excellent can be idiots in other areas.......

    Many of the richest and smartest in the area of medicine and technology don't spell well..... possibly "not" because they can't, but because its not interesting enough to bother and put much energy towards... they focus more on other issues that interest them more.

    To some spelling is natural.. they just see it and spell it, to others they have to expend alot of energy to spell well...... to some they expend that energy in the name of excellence, to others its in the name of impressing others or not being embarrassed.

    I've never given too much concern for what others think... thats always gotten me into trouble at times too! ... But I am what I am and I'm not ashamed for it... because every area I am weak, I am strong in another..... I could care less about trying to be perfect...... I gave up on that along time ago.

    Whenever someone tries to insult me for not spelling well... its fun to give them a run for thier money in another.
  9. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    People depend too much on speel-check. I understand the more "informal" setting here and it is really a lot like "talking. No one "spell checks" you when you talk to them...you just know what they mean.

    There is no checker for the real issue....using the wrong word altogether. Since words have definitions, using the wrong word is more difficult to translate than just knowing what a mis-spelled word really is.

    It is most irritating when someone, in a possible attempt to SOUND intelligent, uses words they think will impress in the wrong context.

    My little peeve is using loose in place of lose. You LOSE a screw that has become LOOSE.

    How about irregardless...no such word, it is REGARDLESS.

    Thanks for the topic.....
  10. bobr1

    bobr1 New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
    Portland, Oregon, USA
    If your system and browser are compatible, check out Google Toolbar... it has a built-in spell checker which works on almost any form on most web sites!

    - Bob R.
  11. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
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    May 11, 2004
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    Thanks Bob.

    I have a degree in English Language and Linquistics. I had some very colorful professors. One in particular had written several international books and I would swear he knew every grammatical nuance of every dialect of every language on the face of the planet. He made it very clear that "so long as ideas have been exchanged communication has occured." That was his way of saying, "no matter how you say it, no matter how you spell it, no matter whether you got it out right or wrong, if the other person knew what you meant, nothing more needs be done." But that is a very informal approach to communication which only a Linguistics professor could get away with.

    Here are a few other things that he taught us that I wish more people knew:
    1) When refering to yourself and someone else in a sentence, you should be able to remove the other person and still have a solid sentence. For example, "when you have the new numbers send them to Tom or me" should never be "send them to Tom or I" because you would never say, "send them to I." I hear a sentence such as this all the time perhaps because people assume using the pronoun "I" is more formal.
    2) Never verbally finish a sentence with a preposition but always do so mentally. For example, "you are a better driver than I" should be thought of as "you are a better driver than I am" and never "you are a better driver than me am."
    3) Always know the person/people you are talking to. In number 2, the "correct" application is, "he is a better driver than she" because "he is a better driver than she is." However, if you ever dare say that, people will either think you are wrong or snooty. Therefore, we purposefully speak "incorrectly" and casually say, "he is a better driver than her."

    I truly enjoy the study of Linguistics, Etimology, Dialectology, and the like. I have yet to find a more pervasive topic touching on every aspect of humanity.
  12. castlecain

    castlecain Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    North Carolina

    Great post. Here are some of my observations which I always catch:
    Your for You're, then for than, and
    any redundancy, like, continue on, focus in, repeat that again, ascending up,
    descending down, or, my favorite
    CNN moment, when referring to a stunt plane crash, they revealed it had been
    doing aerobics just before the crash.

  13. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
  14. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    Presoanlly I lkied the eamil wehre the sneder sated that if the frist and lsat lteters were crroect that your mnid wuold mkae the crorretcions and you wloud read the setnnece as it was itnneded.

    Which is very difficult to actually type out!
  15. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    Presoanlly I lkied the eamil wehre the sneder sated that if the frist and lsat lteters were crroect that your mnid wuold mkae the crorretcions and you wloud read the setnnece as it was itnneded.

    Which is very difficult to actually type out!
  16. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    I don't follow your logic Schmika... seems you are contradicting yourself:

    You say...

    This part seems very logical and reasonable, but whats the difference between using a wrong word the wrong way?..... I'm sure the writer always means it the right way, but they spell it wrong?

    Its ashamed you get so confused between there and their, or loose and lose.... can't you tell based on the context of the sentence what the writer mean't?

    Why are you being judgemental to assume the writer that used the word lose really mean't loose?... doesn't the context make it obvious?

    Example... the cow tried to get lose from the farmer and so he was afraid he would loose him?
    The proper way to write it would be..... the cow tried to get loose from the farmer and so he was afraid he would lose him?

    It this too confusing for you? I think not.. maybe you just like the opportunity to correct someone and making them look and feel stupid?... Does that make you feel smart?

    Yea well... Irregardless...... you know what the writer means.... I think you are judging based on how you think yourself... maybe you are trying to act intelligent by reproving folks who are just trying to talk? What gives you the right at all? Unless they ask for it?

    I seriously doubt such communication really gives you a verbal challenge to your reasoning? Your really smarter than that aren't you?

    If I am misjudging you and you really are in fact smart enough to figure all this out, then I propose you are either
    1. Arrogant and love to exploit the weaknesses of others to quench your own insecurities, or
    2. Or you have your own weaknesses and don't have the right to be correcting others for thiers.

    My peeve is people like you who have never been taught manners.

    Every weakness you can find in another, you will most likely have a much darker one to offset it.

    I thought a law or peace officer was supposed to defend the weak, not exploit them?
  17. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Yep I blame Webster et al for making spelling codified. I the early 19th Century people could spell words any way they liked then came the dictionary and we all have to spell the same! My spelling is as good as theirs! Only someone with a limited imagination would spell the same word the same way twice!
  18. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Excellent point you made possibly without realizing it! Those who tend to be extremely legalistic fail in the arts.

    When you write a song, or a story... the thoughts don't come in english language in perfect grammatical format. Those who can only think in those terms tend to kill creativity.
    They are so busy trying to put thoughts into proper format and frame, that they kill the creative flow that refuses to follow established protocols made by man.

    Creativity thought follows much deeper universal languages of pictures, symbols and feelings.
    Thats why we need "editors" for books and newspapers. However, usually the editors are poor writers.. they are only good at correcting it for english format.

    I concur that we need a reasonable basis so we can understand each other. But as time goes on, we are always changing our language "due to creativity"... it never stays the same.... slang, street talk, and just plain common sense talk rarely conforms to traditional rules and laws..... those that do talk that way.. are very boooooriiing! does that make it "wrong".....

    I say "no" not as long as you can communicate...

    Some prefer amongst themselves to talk in thier own language to save time.... thier newly invented language is actually "more" efficient among their own kind rather then less. Scientist talk different than getto children. Medical people talk differently than english professors. You mix the two crowds and there tends to be confusion and poor communication. The english professor and the scientist become stupid when trying to understand the street slang of new york suburbs.
    You may say its the getto kids that are dumb because the other was established first?, yet they say the established are stupid because they can't change and learn a new language that fits them better?

    When we talk prius talk.. it gets pretty technical sometimes..... I listen to the Canview thread alot because I intend to get one..... but most of the time they talk over my head. I am trying to learn to get on thier level rather than asking them to come to mine, but If I were the one carrying the subject and meat of the conversation on another subject of which I am more familiar with.. they would have to come up to my temperature if they wanted to understand.

    I don't know why it has to be such a big deal really to spell correctly.
    When we get a spell checker, then we may not have an excuse.. but for now we do.

    If someone lives in such a perfect cultured environment that they can't tolerate anything that drifts from the accepted norm, they will never be comfortable in real life anyway.

    They think the cultured way of communicating is reality, but only to them... it may not be to others who live in a different culture.

    There is a reason we speak so many different languages all over the world..... did we forget we all used to speak the same language?

    Most of us can understand each other out here just fine, and when we can't we ask.... we just need to respect each other, but many only respect their own kind which only shows very narrow thinking and possibly low intelligence?
  19. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Wow...that was hostile! Windstrings, from past replies you have made to my posts, it is obvious you do not like me in a quite visceral, personal way. ometime in the past I must haver supported a position that you feel makes me a lesser being. Be that as it may, or regardless, I will attempt to reply...albeit in a polite wauy.

    Now, you are correct in a theoretical sense but not a practical sense. The difficulty in this "text only" style of communication is that there is no body language or voice intonation to help. Because of this, words are critical. You have seen t numerous times where a person takes offense to a post that seemed to be innocuous. Why did that happen? It was most lilkely a result of misinterpretation.

    Now, again, I agree that mis-spelling (sic?) is of very little consequence, however, using the wrong word is more troublesome. Yes, loose and lose can easily be differentiated in context. You fail to see that my point was that using the wrong word can be a problem. I guess I should have found a suitble example.

    As an aside, I know people that hang on to specific examples without seeing the bigger point. These people have a difficult time with anyting except what is "literally" in front of them. I call them "unimaginative".

    You cannot deny that first impressions are important. If you were in a "hiring" position...and you might be...you could see that if a written resume was sent to you full of mis-spellings and wrong words, you would have a mental picture of that persons education or intelligence or DESIRE to better themselves, etc.

    You may be wrong, but we don't have time to "get to know" the many thousands of people we meet. We therefore must come to quick conclusions in order to "filter"

    We/I are/am doing it now. You concluded I am an arrogant jerk and I have concluded that you are worthy of learning from, therefore I still engage you after your hostile remarks. In an earlier thread I made a coment about people who use the word "chile". Someone, it may have been you, commented it is wrong for me to judge a person based on how they learned to say that word. I agreed and apologized. However, saying "chile" should not prevent you from spelling it "child".

    In conclusion, it is not that I CANNOT 9usually) figure out what the writer is saying, it is that the WRITER should not make his readers "work" at trying to figure him or her out. For goodness sake, I want the reader to know what I am saying, not guess at it. I did not come on, as some do, and quote a post and dissect it, I said my pet peeve is this quirk. I did not "out" anyone. SO how is that bad manners?

    If I read a post from you that points out something I have been doing wrong for awhile, w/o actually embarassing me, I will quietly thank you, learn, and move on. Want an example, tell me how to properly write "mis-spell???????"
  20. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    That was the issue, conversation here is made more difficult if you don't have a common language...and the language here is english.

    NO ONE indicated they were not "tolerant". Where is your tolerance for a different point of view.

    I do not think any one is less intelligent, just less educated. Does anyone believe in continuous improvement anymore? My job forces me to be able to communicate equally with the "ghetto" people and the Doctors and Scientists. I pity those who are STUCK in only one place.