Coffee is a very personal thing. Starbucks uses a very dark roast. I think it might be French roast. Peet's (Peat's?) goes a hair farther, for just a hint of burnt, which I like, or did while I was allowed coffee. But many people like a lighter roast. And among the Seattle-quality coffee houses, your favorite will depend on what precise roast most pleases your taste buds. Then there are all those Norweigans in Fargo, N.D. who drink gallons of coffee so weak that, as Woodie Guthrie said of depression-era soup, you could read a newspaper right through it.
There is a small coffee shop one mile as the crow flies from my house. They roast their own in the back room, and they are very good at it. When the wind blows just right - thankfully it’s a full 180 degrees from the predominant direction - I can smell them roasting. It’s like the coffee sirens are singing to me . . . must ~ go ~ get ~ caffeine ~ fix ~ nowwwwww . . . You must be driving your caffeine addicted neighbors nuts! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
On the days you can't get a good breakfast, maybe you could try mixing your coffee shot(s) with Nestle's Carnation Instant Breakfast Powder Drink Mix for your morning mocha. At least the calories won't be so empty that way.
It is Peet's. Peet is a Dutch name. I find Starbucks' flavor to be charred while Peet's has a caramelized quality to it.
Thanks -- and that was the idea, really. The tuna breath belongs to the cat, not to me . Although it was kind of a silly choice for this board, since all my cats hate cars. I love your avatar too -- it always looks like the cat is about to walk right out of the screen. Now I have to go make myself a latte. For some reason, this thread always has that effect on me.
I did my graduate work at Cal in the 70s and as a result got hooked on Peets. Nothing else comes even close. Oh, and for the people who claim it's for the buzz, I only order decaf. Starbucks, in my opinion, is nothing more then a high priced want to be. They are sucessful though. I will only brew Peets at home too. Live to drink Peet's...drink Peet's to live. -Paul R. Haller-
I just wanted to say I stopped in at Starbucks yesterday (well, actually we were coming out of a movie and the theatre has a Starbucks counter near the concession stand) and I ordered an Eggnog Steamer and it was absolutely delicious! Not a coffee drink...just hot eggnog w/whipped cream and nutmeg. I ordered a 'small one' but the guy said the smallest it came in was 'grande'. was a little large for me, couldn't finish it all, but what I had was yummy.
I can't believe anyone would hate tea. I LOVE tea. I probably spend around $100 a month on loose tea. I drink probably 8-10 cups per day. Plus tea has so many health benefits. But I love coffee too, almost as much. Spend only slightly less on coffee, or at least I used to. Wife is pregnant now, snd she stops drinking caffeine when pregnant, so I rarely make a pot of coffee any more. I don't mind Starbucks being everywhere. Just means it's easier for me to get a good cup of joe. The only time I thought it was a littel overboard was in Colorado Springs. There were THREE Starbucks all within a block of each other. Crazy.
:lol: I must take that to the two or three of my favorite Starbucks and have them post it on their bulletin boards. That was great.
I just can't stand the smell or the taste of it. My husband absolutely loves it, especially the decaf teas. The only tea I've been able to stomach was a honey/lemon blend with a LOT of honey added to the tea. Even then, I found it lacking in...something.
lot of people feel the same way about fact, a lot of people feel the same way about just about any kind of beverage
Speaking of Starbucks - Dave - I have noticed that a lot of car clubs meet at the Issaquah Starbucks (in front of the Fred Meyer). Looked out one day and saw about 20 BMW's. They typically get jacked up on caffein, then go for a road rally, like up to Snoqualmie falls (lodge they used in the show Twin Peaks). It would be fun to do something like that.
I personally loathe coffee. It tastes very bitter to me, no matter how much sweetner is in it. I can't even eat mocha flavored chocolate candies. However, some of the non-company owned stores such as the one in the local Barnes & Noble have Italian sodas, which I like very much. I'll buy a hazelnut or vanilla flavored Italian soda, put some cinnamon and nutmeg in it, and flip through books and magazines I want to buy.
They actually have a secret 4th size - the one that used to be called "short". Even though it isn't on the menu, you can still order a short Americano. There are six Starbucks in the building I work in... SIX :blink: edit: changed 5 to 6... remembered one more.
well around here, we dont have that many starbucks... but there is a MILLION expresso stands around here.
As always, your bitter sensors may vary! I like coffee. I personally loath Starbucks. Their coffee is bitter. Their employees are automotons. And is it still near impossible to get an iced coffee at Starbucks? Do you still have to order a regular coffee (or whatever they call it) and a cup of ice. It's been a while since I have been in a Starbucks!