At least in the cost per year over 5 years, our Prius c's top the list in our category for the least expensive car to own! This list is at least a little less subjective on touchy feely observations from Consumer Reports! The best is the Prius c at $5,000 per year and the worst is the Chevy Cruze Eco at $7,500 per year! I know for me, driving 30,000 miles a year, averaging 51-52 mpg, the c is hands down the least expensive car to drive. The difference in gas alone beat the next closest competitor in price, the Honda Fit. Our cousin, the V, also won in their category!
Thanks for posting this Don! This sort of confirms my own research. I know CR panned the C in other respects, but I just tried to keep MY priorities for a car in mind when reading assorted reviews and.....cost of ownership was definitely a factor for me.