hi all need to get a new smartphone for my plugin which would be the best choice iPhone 5 or motorola? cheers
iPhone 5. I already have an iPhone 4 and will be upgrading as soon as I can. It just gets better and better. I already use it with WiFi delivered OBD-II compliant software such as DashCommandâ„¢and a number of others. I also use it with an app called DashCam which creates a movie that takes a video out of the front window on the top half of the iPhone screen as well as recording your track on a GPS map in the bottom half of the iPhone screen. This stuff is crazy good. It sorta is like the videos you see cops make when they stop someone. LOL I plan on keeping my iPhone 4 so I can use both in the Plug-in at the same time. It's amazing stuff. Cheers .
chesleyn: These WiFi delivered OBD-II are hardware devices plug into the OBD-II connector in the car. They create a WiFi connection with a smartphone and you then use apps on that phone which use that connection to the car. I don't think he was trying to tether his phone. Here is a list of example hardware: OBD-II Hardware - Palmer Performance Engineering, Inc.
get a phone that does bluetooth tether - makes sure your provider doesnt charge you extra for tethering. i use a galaxy note which works fine. blackberrys have quite a bit of extra connectivity (adds email sync) but other than that not much else.
I'm curious, why is everyone talking about tethering? The author of this thread didn't mention it as something they were curious about.
What is the best phone to get with the prius? Agreed. That was the question. To maximize functionality you would need to get one with tethering, that's my reason.
I have an iPhone with a tethering plan. I use it all the time so my kids iPods can go online while we are on the road. But I never tethered it with my Prius. I am not sure how and don't know what advantage it would give me. The car's navigation system is able to update the traffic conditions without tethering. I do connect my iPhone to the car's entertainment system with bluetooth so can can play music and audio books from my phone thought the car audio system. I love this feature.