my avatar was taken in bright sunlight AND had to turn the car around because the other pics i had taken that day have not even a hint of green in them. i hac already tried 3 previous times to get a pix that showed the green tint to prove (mostly to myself) that is was still there. on couldy days, it looks like charcoal gray. one of the most interesting colors i had ever seen was at a shopping mall at night. under the neons they had there, it was a completely different shade of green. unable to describe the color and didnt have a sufficient camera that would capture the color at the time. i did try a few snaps from my cellphone...but the quality of cellphone pix is another story
If you look @ the '05 brochure, it looks totally GREEN. Imagine my surprise when I went to pick mine up and it was charcoal/grey.
yeah, I agree. The brochure is misleading or else photographed in some weird weather conditions. Having said that, it has totally grown on me, especially how it changes in different light. See my avatar
I think Heidi's going to stick with what the Prius came with for the time being. (It's definitely her car -- I just get to ride in it and go "ooh!" and "ahh!" at the high-res MFD display. ) I might feel really jealous of her Prius' AUX-IN stereo capability; but with the VAIS, I am quite content with my "old, aging" '05 Tideland Pearl.
Yeah the Tideland Pearl colorway will be missed, in my book. Ours will be Classic Silver Metallic, yet we preferred the expectation of Magnetic Gray. It (magnetic gray) will be much darker than most people think. I mentally consider it to be the closest related to the current "Phantom Gray", but bluer not browner. Since keeping a dark colored car clean is a frequent chore and we didn't want to wait till after May to get our car, we opted for the Classic Silver. It's very bright and Techie looking. I saw one on the dealer's lot yesterday, actually in the NL package, which is what we're getting... maybe I'll get my call today!?!? We're adding post-delivery Leather to it... as an added note...
Someone on one of my Prius Groups just mentioned that had also seen a magnetic grey over the weekend. I wonder if it is a mistaken color identity? Andy
This is like a stealth car in stealth mode? I saw one this week too. I'd never seen one in this was more of a battleship gray, not at all silver or green. susan
I like the darker grey. My first car ever was that lighter silver color. Salsa Red was my first choice, blue second.
As discussed before, this is almost certainly Tideland Pearl. There's a Tideland Pearl Prius that I see around here a lot and, most of the time it looks really grey. Only when you get up close (or the light hits it just right) can you see the green tint to it. It's actually a really nice color, and I'm somewhat envious of all you Tideland drivers
If you can't see a "Hybrid" emblem on the front fenders than it is an 04-05 and must be Tideland. If the emblem is there than it is not Tideland. I love the Tideland color and I hope they bring it back when I am ready to buy my next Prius.
To whoever said look for the backup camera to see if its an 06. Good luck with that! I have an 06 and have a back up camera and I cant figure out where the hell it is. Its like hidden or invisible or something. LOL
My local Car Max has a gray 2005 Prius on the lot. The sticker listed the car as green. It was a nice sunny day, and all I saw was gray, no green.
Ah yes what angle was the sun, partly cloudy or clear. Truly the Tideland is a Chameleon and you, even a professional can not judge the color in all conditions. It is fun!!
I have seen a total of 3 Magnetic Gray prius's in the past month. the first was driving down I95 at 70 miles per hour, and due to traffic I could not get close enough to get a detailed view of it. The second was driving down the street as I was coming out of the supermarket; again I could not get a closer look. But today the inevitable happened. I went to have lunch at a local italian restaurant, and parked outside was a true Magnetic Gray. Now I know I was not halucinating, it was NOT Tideland Pearl. It was noon, in bright sunlight, it had the side badges, it did not manifest any of the chamaleon characteristics of Tideland Pearl, and its owner was probably laghing at me from inside the restaurant as I stood next to his car, drooling, looking thru the driver window. I ate lunch, and left the place, but the owner never appeared. I was hoping to see him so that I can ask him to let me read the factory sticker on the driver door. If this is the case; that they are already on the street, then that means that I will get mine sooner than expected. I ordered my Magnetic Gray(package #1, Dark Gray Leather) on January 26. I cant wait!!!
Yeh, that was my first choice of color as well. I was bummed when I found out I couldn't get it in an 06. Then they told me that the replacement dark gray wouldn't be available until May. That sux. We went ended up going for silver.
Does anyone know why the Magnetic Grey isn't available until May? That was our first color choice too. Decided on Classic Silver, but dealer called last week and said a Silver Pine Mica, package #4 is on the way. Since it is the package we want and have been waiting awhile, we are going to take it. Andy
From the later color chart, the footnote was changed and the Magnetic Gray was delayed to Jan 2007 and was deleted from the 2006 Prius. Someone mentioned the reason was that color requires an extra step and Toyota decided to not sacrafice production capacity because that color would have slowed up production. Not sure if that is true, but made sense to me.