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Not all Costs and Benefits are Measured at the Pump- Traded 2012 Prius Level 5 for a Truck

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by 2ndAmendment, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. 2ndAmendment

    2ndAmendment New Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Not all costs and benefits are measured at the pump, e.g., ride comforts, cup holders, visibility, versatility, storage, safety, room for kids, picnics with all the "stuff", and on and on. Here's why I finally said my Prius has got to go.

    Prius is a good commuter, and it gets great gas mileage. The display said 71 mpg to work and 56 mpg going home, when I was trying hard. I bragged about it at work. I got the level 5 with LED lights, fog lights, all the bells and whistles. It was cool. I have yet to see one with the cool LED lights and fog lights and the sporty 17 inch rims. 9 months later, and I am so happy to be rid of it. Here are some things that changed my mind.

    In Phoenix, the summer heat drains the battery. Heat is a killer. I would park with almost a full charge and come back the battery is down to two bars. No big deal, right? The dash read 120 degrees, at times, driving down the highway. How well the battery will hold up in the heat down here is questionable. I will never find out. Here's another:

    It states in the manual not to exceed 800 lbs. My wife and I and three teens on a day trip with a large ice chest, or back-end full of groceries, find the car bottoms out on speed bumps in the parking lot. It sucks to go get groceries. Maybe it is a good car for 1-2 people, and some light stuff. By the way, I'm a runner and our family is not the typical American from "OB-City".

    In the middle of the day, the angle of the front windshield allows light to shine straight down n the navigation screen. It's barely visible. I spent $150 on Pinnacle film for the windshield to try to mitigate the summer heat while driving.

    Again, we're not fat. The Prius is so narrow we would constantly hit elbows trying to find room on the center compartment. The three kids in the back were squished, always fighting about someone touching.

    The car was so low to the ground, I felt the kids were unsafe on the highway at times with the larger vehicles out there passing me. No, this Army Infantry Vet isn't insecure in his manhood or I wouldn't have bought the car. But, why didn't I understand all this before I bought the car? I don't know. All I could think about was MPG, saving gas money, and taking a liberal icon and putting an NRA sticker on it and making it known I do not support Obama. Stupid reason to by a car. Anyway, here is another reason it costs more to drive a Prius than just gas:

    The cup holders can't hold a sport bottle and only seem to like those little bottles of water. The door bottle holders are useless. The kids in the back had no place to put their water until I put in my old rifle holders that go behind each seat. Those held the bottles pretty good.

    Oh, the ride was terrible. It probably had a lot to do with the sporty stock 17 inch rims. Every crack in the road was bone jarring. The road noise was terrible. Do not get those rims, if you value the quietness a Prius is supposed to have. I thought the level 4 was noisy, too, but the rims on the level 5 was really bad. I tried to rationalize the noise away, again, with this desire to have the coolest Prius, to be the envy of all liberals. It didn't work, and it was bad.

    Okay, so some of it was the car, and some of it was personal preference. Please, separate the two before you go out an purchase one. If you have a family with at least two children, stay away from the Prius due to the weight issues and cabin space. Or live with the problems of lack of cargo room. Here's is what I have come to realize, and why it's so much better not driving that Prius:

    I'm going to pay higher gas prices. Prius owners pay a higher price in other ways. There are other costs, like leg room and shoulder room in the back seat, cup holders, room for luggage, weight restrictions, sluggish performance up hills with kids in the back, low visibility, poor visibility of the nav in sunlight, road noise that rattles your brain, low clearance in parking lots for speed-bumps, computer over-estimating the actual range until fill up, over-estimating the actual MPG (though the actual mpg is great-- why is the computer programmed to overestimate actual, unless the gas pumps are off or something), no place to put a bicycle, dirt bike, picnic stuff like chairs and cooler. I repeat that the actual comfort of the ride sucks, and I had leather trim and the most comfortable seats you can buy, and all the bells and whistles.

    My new truck gets crappy gas mileage compared to the Prius, but the ride is so smooth. This evening I almost shed a tear how quiet a usually bumpy road actually was. The truck will still carry groceries without bottoming out on a speed bump. There are lots of cup holders in it. Six fat Americans can sit comfortably in the truck, because the center arm-rest/storage compartment flips back. The size of the middle seat is big enough for a line-backer. I can haul my dirt bikes and tow a trailer. I can go off road. The family can sit in the truck-bed and watch fireworks (priceless). I can take the family over to the park for a picnic and bike ride. There are also storage compartments in the back floor that will hold ice and drinks. All of these things have a value that I had to pay for in order to increase my MPG. I value having all of these options, and not just MPG, so I traded back my MPGs for these simple things that make life happy. If all a person wants is MPG and they do not want anything else out of a vehicle, then get a Prius. However, if you have kids and want to be able to have a nice smooth ride with lots of room, and the ability to go anywhere on the weekends, then pay a little more in gas. Actually, look at it this way: you're not paying more for gas, you're trading the price of gas for better ride, more comforts, more versatility, more visibility, higher safety, etc. Not all costs and benefits are measured at the pump.

    This I found out.

    This is why I no longer drive a Prius...
  2. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Yeah, Prius is not for everyone. The way you word it seemed like the Prius is the only vehicle in your family. For single vehicle family, Prius is not enough to do everything especially with 2 adults and 3 teenagers. It doesn't even have room for a gun rack. It's good for a second vehicle daily driver to and from work. Road trips with the family definitely need a larger vehicle than a Prius. A Prius v is borderline big enough for a family of 4. For me, I won't take my Prius if there's more than 3 people. For 4 people or more, we take the Sienna. that sucker seats 8 people comfortably and still have room for strollers and luggage. The first gen Sienna bottoms out with 7 people but the second gen doesn't.
    There's no sense of trying to rebut your reasons why the Prius is not for you. Yes there are some cost to driving a Prius but not monetary cost. If the monetary cost justifies the amenities and your emotional ties to a a larger vehicle then you've made a right choice by ditching the Prius and switch over to a larger vehicle. Prius is not for everyone. When the time comes for my parents to buy a new vehicle, I wouldn't recommend the Prius to them, not even the Prius v with 7 seats if it ever comes to the US. They'll be buying another Sienna.
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    what did you buy? i tried to read all the words, but didn't see anything but 'truck'.
  4. ItsNotAboutTheMoney

    ItsNotAboutTheMoney EditProfOptInfoCustomUser Title

    Jul 18, 2009
    2010 Prius
    If by truck you mean pick-up, you didn't get any safety. Despite the advantage of pick-ups have high rates of death.
    finman likes this.
  5. Zythryn

    Zythryn Senior Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Other Electric Vehicle
    I am very curious what truck seats 6 comfortably?
    Kudos to you for standing up to the stereotypes and trying a Prius. Sorry it wasn't the right car for you.
  6. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    It's a big, wide world. You gave it a try but it didn't work out. Perhaps when the kids are gone it would make more sense. Then, though, there are "kids moving out" duties, and "kids moving back in" duties, and "kids moving from place to place" duties that require trucks (and even trailers.) Each vehicle is a compromise of some sort, and our needs-meter go to different places.

    Best o' luck to you.

    (really, was there any need to mention gun racks?)
  7. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    I agree that Toyota Prius sucks as far a quality spacious interior design goes... It could be way better without the center dividing console and bulky side arm rests and huge front dash that take up way too much space. And yes I get that having 3 teenage kids in your family is too much for you and you wife to haul in a Prius but 8 years from now when your Prius is still running perfectly and your kids are grown up and on on their own that won't matter anymore.

    Most of all I can tell by what you write that you're more into spending huge heaps of money on brand new toys and getting instant gratification rather than being prudent in sticking with long term value. Long-term cost savings is just not important to you compared to the thrill of buying new vehicles often and wasting tens of thousand of dollars regularly when you could just buy a decent used Prius and a decent used truck that'll both last for a decade or more if you don't give up on 'em.

    I could be wrong, but what you wrote gives me the impression that your intent is rationalize the wasteful financial management notions that Arizonans are famous for.
  8. a priori

    a priori Canonus Curiosus

    Aug 14, 2007
    Chicagoland (West)
    2010 Prius
    I appreciate the time you took to describe the reasons you found for replacing your Prius with a larger vehicle. It would be helpful to know which truck replaced your Prius, so if you can take the time, please let us know.

    It does seem a bit strange you would not have considered all of these things before making the purchase, as you clearly knew what uses you intended for the car. Perhaps it turned out you were a bit too focused on the intriguing [apparent] irony of a Prius with an NRA sticker on it. If so, I applaud your willingness to consider something other than the oversized SUV as the go-to vehicle for American families, yet wish you'd have taken the family with you on a long test-drive before buying.

    No doubt but that the Prius cannot be the car for everyone -- no more than an Escalade is the universal car for the masses.

    I wish it had worked out for you, but I thank you for sharing the experience in a way that isn't filled with rude, name-calling tripe.
    It is disappointing to see someone come to these conclusions based on one thread. Clearly, our OP is an NRA guy (2nd Amendment), but what else do you know about him except for the statements he's made in this thread?

    He likely is a one-time poster and not a troller, and he doesn't seem to be setting himself up as a threat to the PC community. No need to make any further assumptions or incriminate an entire State of fellow citizens in the process.
    Zythryn and PriusCamper like this.
  9. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Yea... I could of worded that better... It's not that he's a threat that I was reacting to... I'm just saying that people who buy brand new cars (in this case his 2012 Prius) and then changes his mind and buys (I assume new) truck so they can carry their Motorbikes around aren't people that spend frugally.

    I can really relate to prius owners who buy used in order to maximize their savings on transportation costs over time and the Prius is a great car for that reason. So when it comes to all the people on here who buy brand new that seems like a huge waste to me. What's even worse is if they change their mind and then buy something else brand new, it just doesn't seem like they're thinking very clearly about how much money they're throwing away... I mean his entire message seems to be rationalizing that kind of wasteful behavior and it just doesn't make sense to me at all.

    Of course I'm sure car manufactures prefer these kinds of customers! :)
  10. John H

    John H Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    2007 Prius
    My 07 Prius was for the teenagers to use as a pool car, replacing the family Sienna minivan. It has served well and one of the kids adopted the vehicle full time after it was retired from the pool. For getting three teens to/from school as well as the usual teen events, it worked well and provided the economical operation that teens can live with. It took the abuse of teen driving better than expected and the pretext of an eco minded drive seem to thwart the temptation to powersport through parking lots, albeit they did each receive a seemingly obligatory speeding ticket.

    You went to a truck, what are your teens planning to drive ?
    PriusCamper likes this.
  11. a priori

    a priori Canonus Curiosus

    Aug 14, 2007
    Chicagoland (West)
    2010 Prius
    I can relate to your feelings, but I'm not so certain they are shared by that many people. Buying used has appealed to me for the basic fact that the first owner(s) already will have absorbed the majority of the depreciation on the car, and I will be the beneficiary (unless the car was abused). At the same time, and though I've bought a string of used cars, both Prius purchases have been new. For one, new has been easier than used, as at both times the demand on used Prius was so high that there wasn't much cost difference to go new. Second, I bought the brand new Gen III and had no option to buy that model used.

    If you push the point of maximizing savings on transportation costs over time, I don't know whether the Prius is the way to go. I've always maintained that a used Civic is about the best way to go for low cost value.
    PriusCamper likes this.
  12. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Yea... I hesitate to even talk about the new vs. used debate because the issue probably has more to do with social-economic status / class structure than cost effectiveness.

    And I know by bringing the issue up I'm going to upset some people for one reason or another, especially considering my writing style. As for what the best value is, that's specific to each owner, as well as to availability.

    If you don't live in a big city in California an actual selection of used Prius to choose from isn't how it works. But that changes for the better anytime somebody trades their new Prius in for a Truck! :)
  13. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    WOW, OP has made this rant thread and crap on 5 other threads last night. They all got deleted along with my response to one of his posts. I appreciate the mods keeping PC peaceful. I admit that I was a bit harsh in my response.
    PriusCamper likes this.
  14. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    I'm grateful for the moderators.... There's many people I get along with here, but if we start talking about political opinions I'd probably turn on most of them. There is so much political deception and misinformation these days that if the right wingers on here revealed their true opinions I'd for sure become a crazed flame monster and say a bunch mean stuff because I know the difference between fact and fiction and I don't let TV and Radio tell me what I'm suppose to have for an opinion.

    And though I certainly will never entirely agree with censorship, I'm pleased we're keeping the focus on what we can all agree on, which is the Prius.

    That being said this particular anti-prius thread is obviously a great way to provoke alot of Prius lovers... But it's a good learning experience too. Specifically, through this post I've realized that we're all not just geeks who love Prius technology and want to DIY as much as possible. A great majority of Prius owners on here are not geeks so much as trophy hunters. As in owning a brand new car is a trophy, a statement of upward mobility, a vain way to show off wealth and sadly people are so desperate to do this that many will put themselves into an irresponsible level of debt just to create an artificial appearance of wealth. Can't say I can relate to that much. I'm more into the DIY folks on here that are used to getting 10 or 20 years of life out of each vehicle they own.

    In other words, he who has the most toys when they die wins nothing and a Prius is not a toy, it's a technology in transition from gas guzzler to zero-emission vehicles... It's not just a good way to save money, it's also a good way to put far less poison into the air we all breathe!
  15. a priori

    a priori Canonus Curiosus

    Aug 14, 2007
    Chicagoland (West)
    2010 Prius
    I, too, am grateful for all of the work the moderators do to keep PriusChat up and running and valuable.

    This is hardly a case of censorship. The moderators clearly found the OP was not following the rules. Even so, I thought this particular thread was not much of a threat to PriusChat. I don't know that it really was anything bad. The other threads must have been pretty ugly, though. Or the whole group of threads was evidence of some intent to damage the site and not help other members.
  16. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius
    Well... I think it's important that moderator's communicate what they are doing to someone or somewhere... Is that happening?

    Who is OP?

    I see that so often but I don't ever see someone with that name? What is OP's username?
  17. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    OP's username in this thread is 2ndAmendment. He had more than 3 posts yesterday.
  18. PriusCamper

    PriusCamper Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Pacific Northwest, USA
    2007 Prius

    OP = Original Poster

  19. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    "Truck" could still imply SUV, including an oversized one.

    All SUVs, pickups, minivans, most "crossovers" and some vehicles that look like cars are all classified as "light trucks".
  20. 4rnr

    4rnr Junior Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    2005 Prius
    What American family that buys brand-new cars isn't a 2-car family? Of course the Prius isn't a great primary car for a family of 5 - that's what the OTHER car/SUV/minivan is for.
    PriusCamper likes this.