I stopped at the dealers today looking for my new Prius, black package 3,,,,, not there. What do I see a new 2006 silver pine, package 6. I got out of the car to look at it, peeked inside and noticed the seats, carpet and armrest were a green fabric. I called my wife over to confimed what I was seeing. I thought the interiors were only bisque or dark gray??? Has this been posted before or have I stumbled accross something new?
That is very interesting! Do you know if the car was spoken for? Perhaps the buyer got special order color fabric for the seat and had it installed at the port or dealer??? :blink:
That's what I thought so I had my wife look too. It's very green. I'm not sure if it's spoken for but it doesn't have a sold sign on it. It's at Gibbon's Toyota in Dickson City, PA If it's stll there when I go back I'll take a pic.
Well, I have the bisque seats and when you look through the windows, it looks green because the windows have a green UV tint to it. I have leather not fabric and it really does look like green leather. I highly doubt it's a special order. Usually the simple answer is the answer. Alex