I have decided to install 2 charging stations at each of my rental properties. Below are photos of what the front of my property looks like. I know its not pretty. Ive wanted to landscape the front of it for a long time. Those meters, cable box, and phone boxes are in a really bad spot.... There is about 8' of grassy area between the meter and the driveway. Id love to install a pedestal system but Im definitely not spending $6k! Im thinking of building something like this and somehow install the OpenEVSE's into it. Code: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=100662628&storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&ci_sku=100662628&ci_kw={keyword}&kwd={keyword}&cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-100662628&ci_gpa=pla#.UEKvZaMXvPo The other idea was some kind of metal pole that I can mount the OpenEVSE boxes to. Please post your suggestions.
why not just mount the openEVSE on the wall next to the meters and make the cord between the box and the J1772 connector a little extra longer, say 30ft. If you buy the J1772 connector by itself, the 4 conductor cord is $1.30 ft at home depot. $140 - Electric Vehicle Plug J1772 Compliant | eBay + $39 - 30' of 4 conductor cord
Because I am going to have bushes and landscaping done. You wont be able to access them. Also because I'm buying the j1772's from Leviton. They come with a 25' cable already wired. Lastly, I don't want a cable laying across the grass when I mow.
John, I was going to say the same thing. Get some E20's and and increase chances of full rental/Solar. Nothing touches them.
Yes I definitely want to install solar panels at some point. It probably wont be in the budget for a couple years though.
It looks like you have 4 electric meters. Does each tenant pay their own electric utility bill? If so, do you need to somehow control which tenant uses each charging station? openEVSE doesn't have an integrated access control like the chargepoint and blink stations. You might need to use locking cabinets of some sort to store the J1772 connectors separately. Or put them on their own meter and just provide courtesy charging for the tenants and their guests. My utility co-op has a fixed charge tariff for non-metered area lighting, something like $15/month since it is off-peak. I'm trying to talk them into a similar approach for non-metered charging stations to lower the installation and operating expense of a property owner providing complementary EV charging stations.
There are 3 apartments and they each pay their own gas and electric. The 4th meter is the house meter that I pay for. That includes a sump pump, well pump, septic pump and soon the EV charging stations. Yes I will be providing them for free.
I would think it would be less money for you to simply install 3 mounting poles, 1 for each tenant, then install a 120V 20A circuit on each one... If you want to go nuts, add in a L6-20 240V 20A circuit on each on as well. These can be on each tenants meter, and you can put them in a locking NEMA enclosure. Each tenant would have their own key and pay for their own or their guests power. Alternatively, if you want to provide this on the house meter, do the same thing but put the outlets on the house meter. I'm not sure there is a need to provide full J-1772 EVSEs at this time... You could certainly add it later, once mounting poles with circuits where installed. I have a rental property as well, I just installed an RV camp setup, has a 14-50 on a 50A breaker, a TT-30, which is a 30A 120V outet (for travel trailers, also known as pop up campers), and it also had a standard 120V 20A GFCI outlet. This setup let's an RV hookup, or an EV charge, assuming they have their own EVSE Here is where I bought the box from: 50, 30, 20 amp Surface Mount RV Power Outlet Box - RV Park Supplies They also make these on pedestals, back to back, with meters, etc for your situation: RV Power Outlet Boxes: Also we have products for RV Parks,RVers,Campgrounds,Apartment Managers,Parking Lots,Campers,Parks,Boaters,Schools. Volume Purchase Discounts, 1st Class Service,Free Shipping on selected items
Thats a good idea but I dont want to mess around with the L6-20 outlets. The box in the link you provided wouldve been a good solution but I dont want to lug my EVSE around everytime I leave the house. The other reason I am doing this is because I want a way to charge when I am working at my properties or mowing the lawn. I cant charge my car on a circuit the tenant pays for. Hence the reason I am putting it all on my house meter.
I have thought about this a lot. Im really just looking for pedestal mounting options for 2 openevse's
Just use an 8' length of 4X4, 6X6, or landscaping timbers. (which are usually 8X8), dig a 3' deep hole with a posthole digger, plant timber and cement in place.. Also run your 1" PVC up one side of the timber for the power (and the rest of the PVC has to be at least 18" underground) Mount the OpenEVSEs in a NEMA4 enclosure rated for outdoor use, the PVC pipe enters at the bottom of the NEMA enclosure... Here is an example of what I am building the 75A OpenEVSE in, these are indoor rated, you can get them outdoor rated as well NEMA Boxes - UL/NEMA/IEC NBE Series | BudInd To keep the J-1772 cable neat, I found some nice heavy gauge steel painted garden hose hangers at Home Depot for $9.99 each
I like the natural stone column for a mounting pole.. I also agree with Mitch.. if you are going to instal power maybe add some regular connectors for other uses if not a trailer at least some 110v for things like a vacuum for the car or use power tools outside). Could go bigger and install a "grill station", where you put the EVSEs on the sides but then have a gas grill for the tenants. (Probably will get way more use than the EVSEs). If you want to add metering you light look at one of these EKM Metering | Electric Meters | Gas Meters | Water Meters which my students will be intgrating with an openEVSE for remote monitoring of charging for a campus project.