Is it just me or everyone else didn't or just realized that the center armrest slides forward. Wow!!!!
It took me awhile too! It actually took even more to find out that I have a sprinkler on my rear window
Ashley, So there is a way to move that center holding space forward? Wouldn't that push it into the parking brake?
Are you talking about a Two or a One? The One doesn't have the arm rest, but the Two does. Only the arm rest (basically the lid to that compartment) moves forward, not the entire thing. You have to push/pull it pretty hard to get it to move.
Yes, talking about a Two. The lid only? How odd. One more thing to investigate when the weather cools down. Thanks!
I saw that on here before I bought mine. Just tug on the lid and it moves forward. Would be of no benefit to me if it didn't. Got to have that center arm rest. The 2 is what we own. I just last week realized my Vibe gt has a rear window washer. I found the one on the C and went over to look at the Vibe. Sure enuff, it is there. Wonder if the fluid has evaporated? We bought the car new, its an 03. Now, to figure out how to use the sprayer on the C. I have yet to figure out how to turn lights on and off on the Vibe. Wish I had that problem with the C. Love those automatic headlights. Dan
No! Dagnabit! Until the weather cools down, or until I feel like blasting the a/c, I won't have a chance to really explore the interior of the car. :-(
How do you pull the floor out? I see it moves but can't get my fingers to pop it out. We got an ashtray, with a lid, that came with the Vibe. Fits in a cup holder. I never used it so now it is in the C for loose change. Dan